
Lol ohh lord Ian sorry I just now sa this lol and Ian sure your creations will bring a smile to my dial  :DD


Hey deshamarie17~~Thanx for choosing to follow me.  Feel free to PM me anytime with comments or questions about my works, your works, Life, Love, (Sex), or just the art of fiction.
          Hope you take a look at "Tattooed Princess". I am amazed at how this story resonates with so many girls from all around  the world
          And if you want to read a romantic vampire tale set on a Greek island check out "The Vampiress of Mykonos":                                                              
          My tale of witchcraft emerging in a young girl with supernatural powers is "WICCA Girl":                                                             
          My newest romantic thriller/mystery is called "A Greener Field." Why do the worst things always seem to happen to the nicest girls?
          And If you're interested in an erotic read--check out "A Walk in the Countryside"
          You might have to ask me for the link to Part 4 (it’s rated "R-Private . . .woo woo)
          Enjoy them. 
          Let's stay connected!