
Hey, I read that you do horsemanship, and I am just picking up versatility, (finally decided what I wanted to do!) And I was hoping for some tips on horsemanship, and partnering with my horse. So if you have any ideas I would love to hear them. Thanks!


I use parelli with both my horses and the friendly game has really helped my horse pepper. A path I would suggest is just to hang out awhile. Go on walks, brush, find itchy spots, and just sit in the pasture. I would also look up horsenality sheets and print one off and fill it out then there are certain exercises or types of thinking that can be better for that horse like reverse phycology for my Shetland or being friendly with my appy. If you would like to make a large investment get a training course from a trainer or for a smaller one Clinton Anderson has a great book out on some exercises. 


@AbbyBeatsMyHeart im planning on versatility, because she cannot jump due to a stifle injury years ago, so i found this and it has a lot of similar things that i like so i finally figured out i wanted to do this, shes very nice, friendly to everyone, not really spooky, but somwtimes spooks at srupid little things and tgen is like 'oh' haha,  shes outgoing, loves trails and obstacles, so shell enjoy versatility as much as i do, shes very fast, hence missori fox trotter. Um loves food, i recently got her front feet onto a rock, treats helped, like i said, sges an all aroynd great horse, i mean i can handle her, but i want her to trust me and me to trust her, i dont want to be the stick, but i want to be both stick and carrot, -parrelli, i go camping with her, she LOVES trails, shes just an amazing horse, and i feel that i need to improve morw than her, and she has some things to improve, sorry for taking so long to write back, ive been cleaning haha


@abbybeatsmyheart what's her personality and what to you do/ plan to do with her? 


Hi there! Noticed you wanted a book cover lol, I'm open again so just pm me if you have a request 


@fareastnearnorth awesome I will be sending you a message very soon 