
The story follows Sora, a quiet and reserved high school student, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he's caught in a web of rumors involving Ryo, the popular and charismatic boy at school. After an accidental kiss between the two ignites speculation about their relationship, Sora becomes the target of teasing and gossip from their peers, while Ryo steps in to protect him, further deepening their connection. 


The story follows Sora, a quiet and reserved high school student, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he's caught in a web of rumors involving Ryo, the popular and charismatic boy at school. After an accidental kiss between the two ignites speculation about their relationship, Sora becomes the target of teasing and gossip from their peers, while Ryo steps in to protect him, further deepening their connection. 


It’s been a while but I’m back and with exciting news !!! I HAVE STARTED A NEW BOOK  Now this book is a lot different from my others. It’s a bl (boys love) book inspired by gmmtv actors and shows. It also mentions many serious topics I tend to stay away from or lighten up because I wasn’t comfortable digging deep into it. Now that I am much older than I was when I first started writing these books, I feel as if my stories should depict reality a bit more in detail or atleast try to. It will take time for me to get my books exactly to the places I want them to be but I want to publish them as they are so you guys can see the progress and improvement over time. I hope you guys can show love on this story as well and buckle up for this long rollercoaster the characters will take you on.