
Seriously considering moving schools.... if u know me irl what schools do u recommend??


Y'all,,,,,,, sh*t hit the ceiling today. So I'm gonna name my friends A and B..... so we vibing and then B pulls A aside and they wall away and I'm just there like aight and then C comes along and is like did they just walk back to the lockers without you and I was like lol yeah so she walked with me and was like telling me about how hard it was for her when me A and B suddenly started ignoring her which I feel really bad about but her and I worked that one out but we're talking and she goes why did U stop talking to me so u was like welp they (A and B) told me that u said u hated me..... C then goes OMG IK THEY WOULD SAY THAT THEY WERE THE ONES TALKING ABOUT U BRO.... And so I was like hmmmm okay? So then they walk in and C changes subject and stuff and then walks away. A and B then are like so what's up and I was like nothing much and when we're sitting they're like just tell us what's up so I tell them what C said and they're like that's a lie and so then I was like WHO TF CAN I TRUST......... Yeah long story short I have trust issues and now I think my friends hate me


Like I'm a third wheel and I'm treated like a child by my friends but I guess that's what I get for acting like one lol but still,,,,,? It's tiring acting cute and happy when I really just want to scream and yell and cry but I don't want to cry infront of my friends bc I always cry and I hate it... I'm literally the only one in my group who's good at emotions but I need someone else who's good at emotions a d affection bc I feel really deprived from love??? Idk but something in me just hurts a lot,,,,, maybe it's year that they'll leave me or that they actually don't want me as a friend bc I'm annoying or something bc I need closure bc u know,,,, trust issues:) 0R maybe i don't think they like me bc we like never text privately but idk why that matters to me but for some reason it does and that sucks cuz they say they hate texting but then text each other all the time...... my dudes idk I'm just kinda not the  these days


@realitysuuuck thank you my dude y'all are the best honestly i come on here like hey i got a problem and ppl are just like I GOT YOU FAM!


Thx for the follow we can cry over pirate king together


Don't you just love it when ur on house party and you can see all your friends in a call that they've looked and when u say I'm coming in they just pretend not to see your text but it's SO CLEAR THAT THEY'RE ALL IN THE SAME F_CKING CALL:)))))))))))))))))))


@lu-kewarm yeah ik but I'm honestly used to  it by now