
      /      comment below! 


whoa—     you   look   like   hell.   where   the   hell   have   you   / been /   ? 


@detecterror •
                  okaaaay.  can i get a name?   *   alyssa wasn’t quite sure of what to make of the woman.  what she was trying to accomplish with her mysterious act she wasn’t quite sure,  and honestly she didn’t care to know.  the pain shooting through her leg was enough to void her curiosity for the time being   *   i’m fine.  just a few scratches here and there.   *   the brunette mumbled,  shuffling past the woman so she could take a much needed sleep   *   now how can i help? 


@shieldsagent-    (  . . .  )       [        the   detective’s   eyebrows   shot   up   at   the   other’s   reluctance   to   explain   where   she’d   been   ,    lips   pursing   as   she   studied   the   woman.        ]       no   ,    we   don’t  .   but   considering   you   look   like   you’ve   just   been   dragged   through   a   crime   scene   ,    we’re   about   to   get   to   know   each   other   a   / whole   lot /   better.      [       the   brunette’s   whole   demeanour   softened   slightly  .    ]      are   you   hurt ? 


@detecterror •
                  i had to  —  never mind.  it’s a long story.  do we know each other? 


Do  you  ever  think  about  cheating?   


Alright,  Alyssa. 


@acterror •
                  technically,  nick did. 


Soft?  You're  calling  me  /  soft  /?  


a small grunt was heard as the blond boy stumbled back, having run right into the woman's legs. "oh!" he chirped, looking up at her with bright blue eyes, his cheeks flushed from the effort of excited running. "sorry miss!" he said politely, the words enunciated well for a five-year-old. "achilles, don't run off like that." a woman's voice made him turn, and his face split in a childish smile seeing his mother jogging towards him. 
          "so sorry." athena said to the woman as well, firmly gripping her son's arm just above his wrist just in case.


she'd been preoccupied for a split second, checking if her son had gotten into any serious trouble or if he was hurt, all while balancing another child in her free arm. the girl looked just like a miniature version of athena, except for blue eyes that matched her brother. athena's gaze snapped up when she heard her name. "oh. alyssa, hi." a genuine smile took over her features, "i do have napkins, let's just...take a seat, shall we?" she suggested, a bit at ease seeing the familiar face. "it has been a while hasn't it? sorry we had to meet in a rush like this."


@krysilios •
                  “ it’s  ..  fine. ”   the brunette tried her best to keep her annoyance at a low as she felt her coffee soak through her shirt.  it was the last thing she needed right now but the sight of the little boys grin had her chuckling at his cheekiness   “ really,  it’s fine.  you don’t have any napkins on you do yo  —  athena?? ”


❝Can you...? God, I'm way too old for this babysitting bullcrap. Thought we were way past that❞


/ So good to hear that, bb! 
            Same here but I'm terrible and I can see the moment where I just drop everything and delete the app again lol


“So let me get this clear... For the millionth time" She muttered trying really hard not to roll her eyes. “You were sent by SHIELD... Once again. To keep an eye on me... Once again. Because they clearly didn't learn from last time” She said more like a statement rather than a question. “So if you're here, are you working for me or for SHIELD? I never get that straight”


      /      im good thank you!  tryna be more active on here 