
❝I... I'm sorry for what happened to the other day with Alek, we... we shouldn't have involved you on that, however, I talked to him, and we think we should try what you said❞


It would have also made Lexi feel a lot better to know her brother was there, in case something went wrong, it was already dangerous enough and in a moment like that magic was always handy, but... She got it, it was some type of twisted revenge from Alek, she couldn't blame him for that. ❝Do you think you can do it? I know the chances and statistics, but do you think /you/ can do it?❞


            a sympathetic smile formed upon the nurse’s features as she lifted her hand ,    giving the other woman’s shoulder a comforting squeeze .            but soon enough , she would blink slowly  .      her brother wasn’t going to / be / there ?       she had utter faith that she would be able to bring lexi back ,     but at the same time ,     it would have been reassuring to know that someone with magic would be there as a backup .     ❝ it won’t .     it won’t go wrong . ❞       shelby stated firmly ,      before pursing her lips .      ❝ did you tell me not to come ,    or was that his choice ?  ❞


❝Yeah, well, I'm very convincing❞ She tried to smile. There had been a lots of yelling, curses and even fights in between to get there. She had to tell him where their mom was and he was /not/ happy about it but they got through it, they were siblings, twins at the end. ❝He's not going to be there, though, so if something goes wrong, he's not going to bring me back, but... that's fine, it's a risk I'm willing to take❞


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❝Why are you even looking at that? You know I'll fix it❞ Alek was sitting on Shelby's chair in her office, while Lexi was reading her file. She didn't seem to be okay and it was easy for Alek to know that.
          ❝You will not, six months. It's what I have left according to the studies❞ She mumbled looking at her brother for just a moment. And something that really threw Alek off, was the fact that she didn't seem scared with the idea of her dying. It was like she had made peaces with it.
          ❝Well, fuck that. Doctors know nothing about what is actually happening, and /I/ will fix it. Now can we leave before that nurse come in?❞


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            a slight grunt left her lips as she moved her face to the side , trying to avoid the piece of glass from cutting her skin as he pressed it a little harder  .     but no avail ,    she could feel the sting ,    a small cut .      come / on / shelby, / think / .       she didn’t want to hurt him , or anyone , really , but if she had to , she would .     self defence training .    come on , kick in . 
                      ❝    lex …      tell him where she is … ❞       shelby murmured slowly . if seeing his mother’s body was what alek needed for closure ,    to help him get through this , to help him grieve , then surely it wouldn’t be a bad thing .     unless she wasn’t / really / dead . 
                          though the blonde woman weakly smiled for a moment at alek’s condescending words .      ❝ pathetic , huh ?     ❞        she asked , her voice low .       ❝    what does that say about you ,      threatening to kill an unarmed person     for no reason except for your emotions clouding your judgment ?      . . .       ❞ 
                      she shrunk back slightly at the raising of alek’s voice right next to her ear as he demanded answers from his sister .       her eyes flickered with a subtle moment of panic .        ❝ you’re better than this .    a few minutes ago ,    you were doing everything in your power to save lexi’s life .  . .   ❞       
                      shelby’s fingers slowly inched towards the pocket of her cardigan ,     where she happened to always carry a pen with her .      her fingers grasped around it tightly as her other hand tightened around his wrist , trying now , to pry his hand containing the glass away from her .       he wouldn’t kill her … right ?      now she wasn’t so sure . 
                          ❝ I’m sorry . ❞       she murmured genuinely as she suddenly gripped the pen , tugging it out of her pocket and jabbing it down into his thigh ,     causing the both of them to stumble backwards . 


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❝Oh darling, you're underestimating how /fucking/ pissed off I am right now, and I'm in a room with my /stupid/ sister!❞ He yelled looking at Lexi pressing the glass even more against the blonde's skin. ❝And with a pathetic nurse, what do you think I'd do next?❞ He whispered on the nurse's ear. At that point he didn't care, he didn't care about the consequences, or what could happen but if he needed to start a war right there then so be it.
            Lexi looked at Shelby, a calmed look, she wanted her to know that she was going to be okay, it didn't matter how unstable Alek could be, she was not going to let him hurt anyone, specially not Shelby. ❝You don't need her, Alek, you don't have to...❞
            ❝Where is she, Alexa?❞ He yelled once again, interrupting his sister. ❝Tell me Lexi, how much is it going to take for you to /fucking talk/!?❞ His voice kept on going up and down with no apparent pattern. ❝I can kill her right now, and then... I don't know maybe I'll go for the Spidey boy and I'll finish with Morgan and I'm going to make you watch❞ He spoke through gritted teeth, barely moving his mouth, rage took over, there was no grieve, no pain anymore, just anger.


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            her hand instantly drew back when the black smoke covered the door handle , freezing in her tracks .     the blonde glanced over at lexi    ,      moving away from the door .        she’d been around the avengers long enough now to know that magic or some sort of other worldly shit was / not / something she should be going near . 
            but her head snapped over to look at lexi as she continued to speak .     she… she / had / killed her mother ?     the blonde blinked in surprise , swallowing at how … insensitive the conversation was continuing on to be .         their relationship sounded … well , to put it lightly , fucking complicated .    / why / alek hadn’t allowed her to step out , she had no clue .     but perhaps his next actions made her understand it a bit more . 
            the nurse flinched as soon as the glass shattered ,    taking a step forward , but paused when alek picked up the piece of glass .     shelby’s breath hitched in her throat when she was tugged over by lexi’s brother ,  the glass hovering over her major artery .              
            ❝ you’re not going to kill me .  ❞     she whispered , trying to control the shakiness in her voice as her hand clutched at his wrist . though she didn’t attempt to move annoy her inch .    that would’ve been foolish , especially as he had the sharp piece of glass from the vase she had brought into her office , against her carotid .    he hadn’t  killed her when he came into her office last , and yet he had every opportunity to .     hell ,     she had tried to fight him and he still hadn’t .       ❝     it’s okay .  … let me go , alek .    ❞     her voice was gentle , trying to remain calm as her eyes locked upon lexi’s face .          he was in pain , anyone could see that .      she slowed her breathing , closing her eyes briefly , before she caught eyes with the stark woman , shaking her head a little .      ❝    please  .. this won’t change anything . . .     ❞


          her lips curved upwards into a genuine smile as she eventually let go of his forearms. her hand went , instead , to brush down the creases in her own clothes .     ❝ oh don’t worry . you don’t stick out like a sore thumb .❞      she teased him , in response to him asking what gave him away .  the blonde woman raised her eyebrow ,    surprised .      ❝ oh , that was smooth . ❞  shelby chuckled , shaking her head in amusement at his last comment , impressed at the ease of it .      ❝    but you don’t need to apologise for anything . it was no one’s fault .     and it’s no trouble really .     I won’t take away your independence .     but you know , if you need any assistance ,     or the company , I’d be happy to go with you .      / not / for you to buy me coffee— ha ha , save that for your dates . ❞       she rambled , as she normally did , a snort escaping her . 


          she hadn’t been angry or annoyed in the slightest when someone came stumbling into her . it took a great deal to get under the nurse’s skin , so instinct took over as her hands reached out to gently take ahold of the stranger’s forearms , steadying him .   ❝ you’re all good .   if you had sent me flying , we might be having a different conversation though . ❞     the blonde woman teased as she lifted her head slightly , observing the red tinted sunglasses on his face , along with the cane . that combined with the joke , made her aware that he must have been blind . she had tended to a handful of blind patients before . 
                    though his joke did make her smile , a slight chuckle escaping her , as she shook her head .    ❝ bet that’s not the first time you’ve used that joke , huh ? ❞    shelby tilted her head slightly to the side , concern laced within her . ❝ where exactly are you headed , sir ? ❞


          ❝ you’re telling me you usually do this yourself ? well I hate to break it to you , but this is hardly a ‘minor patch up’ .    you’ve got an injury on your back , and I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to reach it .  ❞       shelby pursed her lips , before sending him a small , warm smile , tilting her head to the side . ❝ I don’t bite , I promise . ❞


          a mistake . an accident .    that’s all it was , right ?       it look a mere few seconds for shelby to realise that that wasn’t the case here .    as soon as she saw the butterfly knife in the other guy’s hand ,    glinting from the light shining in through the windows ,    the blonde leapt to her feet , her lips parting in shock .     ❝ wait— ❞      she breathed , but could barely get another word out , when the knife was torn out of the other guy’s hand .        this was going to end up messy .       the nurse  took a cautious step to the side , her hand out in front of her .       ❝  alright , why doesn’t everyone just / calm / down , yeah ?     ❞        she was fully aware there were innocents in this room , innocents that could get caught in the crossfire , and her selfless nature came into play , her voice trying to remain as calm as she could .      ❝   it’s doesn’t have to go this way . ❞
          / < 33 


          the blonde couldn’t help but let out a gasp , shifting back at lightening speed in her chair as soon as her coffee cup was knocked over . she grimaced , quickly grabbing ahold of as many napkins as she could , trying to soak up and clean the mess .     her eyes glanced up at the one who had stumbled into her table ❝ no , no .    it’s fine .    accidents happen.      it wasn’t great coffee anyway .     ❞ she joked , with a light chuckle , before shaking her head . ❝trust me , this isn’t the first time this has happened— what ? ❞     she blinked at the other’s comment about teaching the guy a lesson .     ❝ oh , I’m sure that isn’t necessary. it was probably just an accident .❞
          / ahhh it’s great thanks ! < 33


ward let out a breath as he was walking around the shield base. he was trying to find shelby, as the agent was told to see her before he joined coulson's team officially. grant stopped in his tracks when he got to her office, going to knock on the door, calling out. "shelby? you here?" he asked as he did not want to enter her space without her permission.
          / undercover ward coming up! i hope this starter is okay!


"oh, you are one of the only people that say that. therefore I thank you for that." the agent said with a light grin on his face, as it also helped him feel more comfortable being in a nurses office. he also just wanted Shelby to know that he is happy to help out and listen. even though he may not have the right words to say. "yeah of course."
            grant ward moved to rest his shirt on his lap, yes it was probably unnecessary to take off his shirt to check his heart rate. ward thought it would make it easier, going to look up at the shield nurse. hearing her cough, he did not mean to make it like he was flirting or anything by taking his shirt off, "sorry it was a bit much taking my shirt off. but I am glad my heart rate is good." the soon to be shield traitor said, moving his hands to rest on his sides, to make it easier for his blood pressure to be tested. "I have had a few, but none that cause me pain currently." he does have some visual scars, but nothing that causes him too much pain.
            "they are, but I haven't really had too much experience with either of them. I guess I will now that I will be on coulson's team with them both." he let out a light chuckle, as he was now going to be on his good behaviour 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but it will be worth it in the end. "does not mean I will stop worrying about you, but I am glad you are taking self defence lessons." the agent said with a grin on his face as he was now punched lightly into the shoulder, looking at Shelby's fist, before looking at her in the face. "that was a pretty good punch, I will say" he said keeping his eyes on her, moving a hand to his face.


            ❝ why not ?      you’re a / joy / to be around . ❞ the blonde would utter casually ,    but her tone of voice meant that it was difficult to decipher whether she was being genuine or sarcastic .      a softer smile formed upon her features at his offer about being for her if things got tough with the loss of her patient .      her hand would rub the back of her neck .       she knew that .     that it only got harder .    if it didn’t , then she would’ve gotten over the loss of her patient by now .      nevertheless , she nodded her head .     ❝  thank you .   ❞
                      shelby couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow in surprise when he decided just to take his whole shirt off .   that wasn’t what she had asked .      she coughed slightly , clearing her throat as she tore her eyes away ,      dipping her head to hide the faint blush appearing on her cheek , embarrassingly so . 
                      ❝ your heart rate it good .    steady .     no problems there .       ❞.         she told him as she took the stethoscope away from both his chest and his back , unhooking the ear pieces from her ears .      now ,     she started testing his blood pressure .         ❝ have you got any old injuries ?      ones that still cause you pain ? ❞ 
            ❝     oh come on .     there’s plenty of other likeable people here .      Fitz-Simmons are both / very / likeable .     ❞      she pointed out with a slight grin ,     before a soft sigh left her lips , tilting her head at him.        ❝ I promise , grant .    I’ll take care of myself .     besides ,      as I’m technically part of shield now ,     they’ve been getting me to take a few self defence classes , just in case .    ❞.      she added , before curling her free hand into a fist , lightly pushing it against his shoulder in an almost playful manner . 
            / < 333 


another chuckle left his lips as he was now being teased for his next mission. "Now you don't need to try and picture it, you will see it soon. but yeah, I do prefer working solo." grant ward said as he went to shake his head, looking at the nurse, seeing her grin would make him smile back. "yeah well, I just want you to stay safe as well shelby, you are one of the only people I like around here." he said with a large grin on his face, going to move a hand to his hair for a moment to fix it up after he took off his shirt, he was now just thinking about how he is keeping this massive secret, that he is hydra. he hopes with the hydra uprising that the nurse will not be hurt by other hydra agents pretending to be shield. as he is not sure where he will be when it all goes down. "I am always careful, just promise me? as well." wow ward has a heart, well sometimes as seen right now.
            / you are the best xx


❝What a surprise, you're not supposed to be here, pretty one, can I help you?❞


            ❝    you’re a dick .   has anyone told / you /that ?      ❞       she fired back with a sickly sweet smile , cocking her head to the side as her eyes narrowed at him .    one could probably compare the action to a growingly irritated puppy .      ❝ what reason would I have  to / not / want to help her ?     it’s quite literally my job to help people , in case you hadn’t noticed .       look . . .       I certainly haven’t known her very long ,    but she’s someone who clearly deserves to be helped . are you / really / going to try and stop me from doing that ? ❞ 
                      shelby was selfless that way — she put others’ needs first .    she’d go above and beyond .    perhaps that was one of the reasons S.H.I.E.L.D hired her , out of all the nurses out there .     a light scoff passed her lips at the accusation .  
                      ❝ do I honestly look like someone who’d leak personal information ?       I’m a nurse , not a freakin’ spy .       and you’re / suspiciously / not answering / my / question .     ❞      she pointed out , prodding his shoulder with her index finger , raising her eyebrow , before shaking her head .  ❝ two can play this little game .    I don’t see an invitation card for you here either . ❞


❝Look at that, who would have thought❞ He pretended to be impressed. ❝Pretty face knows the definition of sarcasm, that gotta be new❞ He mumbled, a tiny smirk coming to his lips as he tilted his head, analyzing her behavior. ❝Oh now you're trying to /help/ Lexi, right? Why would I believe you? Last thing I know is that someone leaked all her personal information, as far as I'm concerned that someone could've been you and now suspiciously you're showing up on her office without and invitation❞


            the blonde woman scoffed ,     a sweet smile forming on her lips .     ❝     that’s cute .    really .      you’re / hilarious / . ❞      sarcasm dripped from her tongue at the response , her own arms going to fold over her chest .  she shifted on her feet as he walked closer ,         determined to keep her ground and her head held high .       ❝.      I could ask / you / the same thing , / pretty boy / .     you shouldn’t be here either .     you know , / in fact / , / you’re / the one who tends to turn up in places you’re not meant to be .    ❞       she reasoned      , staring pointedly at him ,  before running her fingers through her hair briefly .     ❝ look , I have no ill intention .     I’m just trying to find some answers to help     lexi , alright ?       now / your turn / . what are you doing here ?        ❞