
hey! i was wondering why you added my book to such a mean reading list. It’d be cool if you could answer. Thanks! :) - Deo 


@ iletitburn  So, my reading list isn't mean, it's just a way that I encountered so I could classify and filter my fics. It's just that when I started to use the app, I came across some stories that I didn't like or something similar, so I would drop it, but then some time later after I had already forgotten the story, I would up reading it again by mistake and ended up getting frustrated/sad again, so I made these lists so I could classify them and avoid reading a fic that I already read, since the Wattpad doesn't have a button where I can just press "already read". And I'm sorry because I didn't know that the author's of the fics got a notification when a fic goes to a reading list, because it makes sense for the authors know when someone adds their story to a library, so they can see how many people are accompanying the story, but I thought that reading lists are a little more personal so I didn't thought that the Wattpad would notify of this too, so I'm sorry if I made you feel bad or sad, it wasn't my intention. My reading lists purposes is to help me know if I already read one story or if I didn't, or if it is discontinued or if it didn't updated for a long while. And you asked to know why I put your fic in the reading list that it is now, and the motive is simple, really: I just lost interest, it wasn't you or anything, I read an good amount of your fic but then I lost interest, so for me to avoid confusion and ending up reading the fic again in the future I put it there, because independent of the motive, the fics that go to that reading list I won't be reading them again. Did that make sense? I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I didn't even know that you guys where notified of the reading lists, it's just I way that I found to organize and filter my fics. Sorry for anything. 