Hello guys! I feel like I haven't talked on my page for a while. Anyways, although it looks like I've been M.I.A, if you've seen my recent activity you'll see that I've been reading (stalkers) a bit. So, you know, I'm not dead. If you haven't seen it in my bio, then you should know that I haven't updated 'Thoughts' in a while not because I'm stopping, but because I'm working on two new books, one of which I'm unsure if I should publish or not but I'll see. For the other book, you can look at my activity and you may be able to tell what it'll be about (hint: fan fiction). No promises I'll actually release either of these books, but there's a strong likely hood I will. At the moment I have final exams, but in the summer I'll try to pick up my writing and hopefully a new chapter of 'Thoughts' will come out at least before school starts again in September. Anyways, have a good summer! Talk again soon hopefully!