
I promise I did finish that fic the day I said I was going to. I just haven’t posted it yet, it’s like writing was the extent of my energy and now I just can’t bring myself to do anything else. Eventually it will get posted though.


I promise I did finish that fic the day I said I was going to. I just haven’t posted it yet, it’s like writing was the extent of my energy and now I just can’t bring myself to do anything else. Eventually it will get posted though.


I can confident say that I am re-writing Discounted Chocolates and making good progress! It should hopefully be done today. I’m at one of the slower locations for my job, so I’ve got another six hours of nothing to do except write and hopefully not burn myself out in one evening. I’ve already been writing for almost two hours.
          I hope you like slow burn, because Discounted Chocolates is work 1 of at least 2 in a series. Work two’s name is to be determined. There will be a collection for the series/au on ao3. The collections name will be Chocolate Series (so creative, I know) but may be subject to change.
          Other than the two J/Uzi fics which are the main focus of the series, I have a few other things I’d like to write as little stories of what’s going on in the background.


Also, I changed J’s name from Jolene to Jay. The more I had to read and write Jolene the less I liked it.


No cause the ending for MHA has made the possible re-write for Complications so much better and easier. Just thinking of it now I can see a clear ending for the fic, unlike with my original attempt. I can still do the main angsty (and fairly messed up) thing, can’t remember if I was able to start laying those breadcrumbs in the original or not. Oh my god, am I going to re-watch the show and start writing MHA fanfiction again? Someone write me an Adderall prescription so I can sit down, focus, and write away. Don’t expect me to actually start working on it anytime soon though, but feel free to pester me about it until I start writing and posting it.


I posted a short, I don’t know what to call it, on ao3. It’s titled Sated but Freezing and Lezah_Nocturnal is my ao3 username. The fic is only 362 words, it’s just V from murder drones enjoying a quiet and calm night while laying in the snow.


Sometimes when reading a fanfic, even if the characters are out of character, it’s the name association that you’re reading it for. Connecting the story and the characters with the names of the characters from your latest hyper fixation, even if they’re acting a little odd in what you’re reading.


I want to work on writing again, but I live in a tourist town and work at a tourist attraction (sorta), so I’m pretty busy. I work five to six days a week and it’s a very physically active job and outdoors, wouldn’t trade it for the world though, but despite how much I love my job I am very tired when I get home. I am cursed to never forget an un-finished fic of mine, but despite that I can never manage to motivate myself to finish it. I do want to try scheduling times for myself to sit down and write, but I suck at sticking to schedules. Also I’m a little scared that since I’m planning to start actually posting on ao3 that I might get the authors curse and break a bone at work again because of it. Can’t really work with a broken bone, plus my boss probably wouldn’t let me since she’d be too worried I’d make any injury worse.


@StoryArcs yeah, I’ve never been good at following schedules but I figured I could at least try it, and maybe being at work again will help me with a real schedule and some motivation 


@shincat_ i feel you. scheduling and motivation is incredibly hard, esp w a full time job (the amount of things that i havent finished with only a part time is horrific), and schedules dont work for everyone. write what u can, even if its short and even if u dont publish it, none of that is wasted effort. stay safe!! <3


Every time I think to myself “Hey, I should go finish writing one of my fics, I could probably do that right now.” I end up getting distracted and then before I can write it I either get busy, injured, sick, or my mental health plummets. Currently I’m sick, injured, and my mental health is slipping (again).