
KAKK fansign kmrn yg pakek baju kantoran itu cocok bgt buat nge-representasiin binar-gilang wkwkk, gatau kenapa aku langsung kebayang sama cerita kakak yang eni 


@rupyybonn a friend of mine also said the same thing yesterday  makasih udah randomly nyelipin mereka berdua di ingatan kamu yaaa, i & both Gilang-Binar feel so honored to be remembered by you ☺️
            have a nice day, love ♥️


AKJSGSHSUSHUAJAH MAU NANGISSSS BOOK NYA BAGUS BANGEETTT, really really appreciate it!!!! ditunggu book doshin yang lainnyaa, semangat teruusss :33 *sending my love for you*


@sweetesthingz hello dear reader! makasih banyak udah mampir & ninggalin jejak yaa I hope you're satisfied with how I build the whole story ^^
            your kind words means a lot to me, thank you so much, may you be happy and stay healthy afterwards!
            see you on my next story~ 


kak seriously?!?! book kamu bagus banget, aku ga bosen re-read pls, semua alur ceritanya bagus banget, aku beneran appreciated karya kakak because is so so beautiful stories and happy ending meskipun banyak cobaan nya. tbh this story makes me love doshin so much. kak sumpah ditunggu lagii book doshin selanjutnya yaa


@rupyybonn hi dear reader! waaah makasih banyak untuk feedback baiknya yaa☺️ I'm so happy to know that you love my story, bahkan sampe bikin kamu makin cinta sama Dohoon dan Shinyu sendiri; it's like I'm killing two birds with one stone hihi 
            makasih udah mampir dan feel free buat re-read ceritaku kapanpun yaa! I'm currently in the process of preparing my next book, so please anticipate it!
            see you soon 


WOWW, aku baru nemu cerita doshin yang BAGUS BGTT, ayoo bikin book lagi tentang doshin!! btw semangat ya kak!


@kiyayya4 hi dear reader! makasih banyak udah mampir dan ninggalin jejak di sini yaa, hope you enjoy the whole story thoroughly to the end<3
            I'm currently preparing for my next story, so I hope you can anticipate it as well. see you soon!


Thanks a ton for the awesome Doshin fanfic. I'm glad to be one of your readers, I'm cheering you on, Farin!


@shiketelar thank you so much for joining me on this journey, dear reader, I hope you enjoyed the plot as much as I enjoyed writing it^^
            so happy to have you among my readers, hope to see you again in my future stories<3