hey!! i’m kinda struggling with my writing, what can I do to make it better? any tips? p.s. I love your writings <33

alright! thank you so so so much!! hope your having a good day/night/ evening <3333

Sorry, one more thing. You're story was amazing, I read it awhile ago and I thought it was really good. Just keep writing and making amazing things

@butt3rf1yeffect Oh my gosh, Thank you so much. That's so sweet<3. I'm not the best at advice but I'll try my best. I spend a lot of my time day-dreaming and zoning out, I have random scenarios that play out in my mind at these times. I always write them down and they become a story. I will also somtimes write about things I wish would happen to me. Most of my stories are about couples, that's because I really want a good relationship. So I would suggest writing your dreams and twisting them a bit. I've found that plotting the story doesn't work for me. So just write the story with no idea of where it is going to go. I hope that helps. Again, Thank you so much <3