
Okay but for real this time, I finally have enough free time. I think it’s time I publish Twenty-One of M For Marina! I used to like having the previous completed chapter in drafts while I work on the next one—now I see no point in doing that. I’m actively going to start writing again, although I’m certain the writing style and pace is going to be different and might be unsettling, oops. 


Okay but for real this time, I finally have enough free time. I think it’s time I publish Twenty-One of M For Marina! I used to like having the previous completed chapter in drafts while I work on the next one—now I see no point in doing that. I’m actively going to start writing again, although I’m certain the writing style and pace is going to be different and might be unsettling, oops. 


Hiya guys! Guess who’s back? Back again ✌️
          I think I’m finally going to end this streak of being too scared to write due to feeling not good enough, and Just Do It XD I’m going to try continue writing M For Marina, and if anyone else would like me to continue anything else, lemme know!
          I’m also thinking of writing a Pricefield fanfic  I’m not too sure about it, though, since Pricefield is a lot more of a mainstream ship, and it’ll be a lot more scary to write a fan fiction that doesn’t incorporate proper structure and language/dramatic technique for a ship that’s a lot more mainstream. 


I'm accidentally turning Jim into a good person. I have the scene where Lanz and Mar are outed, planned out, and he's angry yet genuinely hurt, and does the ordinary heartbreak acting out. Jim was supposed to be the main antagonist, but I've accidentally redeemed him too much  


I just want to say that I appreciate all of you guys so awfully much, for supporting my stories. It means so much to me. And I'm going to try my hardest to write again soon. I can't guarantee that anything will be published, because I like my chapters to be long (unless it's short for effect). But I am writing! 


I'm back! And I'm thinking of actually writing this time! I've started adding to chapter twenty-two in M For Marina. But I've developed a structure, so you might feel a shift in story progression. Plot planning used to stress me out, now the lack of one stresses me. Hmmm.