
Ciao amico! Hee hee, in Italian that means "Hello friend ^.^"! See, the reason I dropped by was to tell you about my story, Silver. I'd love if you would Comment, Vote, or maybe even FAN if you enjoyed it that much x}! In return dear, I'll read anything, vote, and suchnot for whatever you ask. Have a delicious day my dear. Arrivederci e buona notte! Goodbye and goodnight!


Hey there! 
          I'm new to Watt  pad, and I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto  ri es and comment on it! (vot i ng , f anning, and whatever ar e a ll o ptional, its the r evi ews I nee d!) I'd love to retu rn the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig  ht annoy you, but anything i  s greatly appreciated! Thanks  f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol  den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra  ns pl ant to Manhattan, obses s ive to p student who actuall y pro cras tinates everything , and b ound of Ivy; future ca re erist and c urrent fortune tel ler. U ntil-- that is--she  fin ds out everyth ing she ac ed is more o r less a ben tre vato-- so good bye model stude­nt and strivin g socialit e--a nd hell o demons layer/alche m ist and automatic industry ty coon--t hat is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse  s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t  o a world where elves,well, a  re n 't your fairy tale elves . Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of  O liga rch s and tech savvy m ega­corpo rati ons, of underw orld crimin al ru le, resistan ce in this m obocra cy is fut ile wh en your King ca n be yo ur dish washer i n one da y. I ntergala ctic best seller an d  future O ligarch, K ronos fø d t av Mø rke’skala soon fi nds out ho w his fickl e world  migh t cha nge--with his help too.


question ;; 
          Do you like cookies ? 
          whatever your opinion ; it has nothing to do with the real reason I'm here . 
          Wait , why am i here ? 
          Since I cant remember , I guess I can just say this ; 
          I will love you forever if you give my new story , 'Alias Carma .' a try ! 
          I dont wanna spam up your profile with a synapse [ I hate that xD ] so i'll just tell you its about a girl named Carma , No duh :) ; and of course involves a hot boy ; named - just possibly - Liam . I'm pretty popular on my other account but it was getting full with so many stories I got a new account ! 
          thanx for letting me waste your time ;; 
          Jamieee .


hi, would you mind reading my story, i would love some constructive criticism and what you think about it
          "All Boy's School Survival Guide" for girls
          Aliza is in a binding situation, literally! With her breasts constricted, wearing her brother's loose clothing, and dropping her voice to the lowest level, she's attending Ascham, an all boy's school! If that's not enough, throw in an extremely hot roommate, who suspects Aliza, aka Alex, of not being exactly what "he" appears to be and you have a chaotic relationship---if you can even call it that.
          Please read the first two chapters before you decide if you want to continue reading it or not :3