
Hey my dudes, I just want to let you guys know that Cries won't be updating until I can get the revisions done, and on top of that, fanfics are gonna have to take a backseat for a bit. 
          	Right now, I am mega broke because I've been unemployed for quite a while now, so I'm going to attempt to get published by writing an original book and get that bank. So yeah. Look out for the early release that will temporarily be available here on Wattpad, I guess?


Hey my dudes, I just want to let you guys know that Cries won't be updating until I can get the revisions done, and on top of that, fanfics are gonna have to take a backseat for a bit. 
          Right now, I am mega broke because I've been unemployed for quite a while now, so I'm going to attempt to get published by writing an original book and get that bank. So yeah. Look out for the early release that will temporarily be available here on Wattpad, I guess?


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How the hell am I supposed to find a beta that wants to work with me on Cries of the Forest?! This shit's hard for no reason!


Yes I love it. I’ve reread it a couple of times. Will probably do it again soon


@wildone20 are you already familiar with Cries of the Forest?


I sure can try. 


Hi there, my name is Zach. I just wanted to message you and ask if there will be any updates for Cries of the forest soon. I love this story so much and you’ve done such a beautiful job writing it. I’ve re-read every chapter at least 6 times so far to keep it fresh in my memory so I don’t forget anything. Anyways if you’d like to message me back, that would be so great. I hope to hear from you soon. 


Well take your time. Don’t rush. Just let me know when you start the next chapter, so I can start getting excited with anticipation and suspense. Lol


@jinchuuriki69 Yes. The next chapter and arc will be introducing all the characters we’ve been familiar with but they’re slightly different from canon because of Naruto not being there. 
            It’s a training arc that’s more of a bonding period to set up some fluff. 


That definitely sounds tough. So with solid profiles for the others, does that mean something like more than just cameo appearances?