
Trying to write as much as I can without dying... for now


I've started reading 'blade of a true warrior' and I have to admit it's so awesome. Thank you for writing it ^^


I will. Well, I haven't read every chapter, I think only the first three or four. So I have still a bit to read ;-)


@Yuki_Akacchi ah thank you so much. I'll try my best to finish the sequel. Currently I've been too busy with life that I barely have time to write anything.  I do have plans to continue writing just give me some time. :D 


@ShiroLin OMFG!! Luck is really your friend! Remember our bet?! Well guess what?!
          My sister is addicted again with anime and manga! Ugghhh.. and she's stealing all of my posters in my bedroom and godammit!! She cant keep her mouth shut! She tells me what will happen next with the next episode of anime we were watching and spoils aboht the manga were reading! God! If only I know that this will be the outcome..... uggghhh! Lucky is really not my friend! 


@cayneriel01 lmfao well you just have to wait cause u don't know what I might write up for you.
            Well your sister is your sister and if she teases you about it just tease her back. That's how the earth roles. Urgh it is troublesome trying to find work atm so I'm just chilling at home. summer classes are done and I can finally relax. I'll see what I can do about your sequel later.


@ShiroLin Hmmmm, i dunno.. Just lemme know what ya want maybe I could give to it to you except Okita of course! His all MINE! ya hear me?! hahahahaha xD well if ya say so, I just need to compose myself even more to avoid my sister being killed x) Back then its amazing cause i got her at my back and joins me with my craziness over the characters, but now, all she did was to annoy me so much because I can see myself through her and how embarassing my actions were, plus, she always spoiled my mood everytime she let go of the bomb! Just she cant keep her big mouth shut! can you feel me?! hahahahha xD
            Well, goodluck for your summer class and work.. Though dont be so work up doing such a load of works and such as stupid homeworks.. you might get sick ya know?! and yea! I'll definitely wait for more though i know im being pushy but will you get it faster?! I really need a stress reliever... And about details the same.. About okita calling and teasing chizuru about his.. I dunno, i get this overwhelming feeling everytime i read about okita calling chizuru about his.. I get really crazy ya know?! With all of the jumping and muffled squel.... Though as long as its an OkiChi i dont really care im just soo happy to know that its OkiChi.. Though it'lll be wonderful if they were in modern era, ya know, going to highschool together, okita being the senpai and chizuru being the freshman, and the theyre going to be highschool couples ♡♡♡ and add some spices too such as jealousy and you know?! Lemons?! hahahahahah xD
            Well thats all I already asked for too much,. So thank ya! and published it quickly alrighty?! :)
            Keepsafe! and Takecare!
            Lots of Love! :D


@cayneriel01 what do you have? I'll save that reward for later. At least you can fangirl with your sister your sister now. I'll do it later currently summer school is really busy and packed with a lot of work. just send me the details


YOUR THE BEST!! GOD HOW CAN YOUR BRAIN WORK FOR THAT SHORT TIME OF PERIOD!  ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ and thank you for granting my request! and make more alrighty?! The more the merrier and if its even possible make it longer! im just addicted with them! @ShiroLin thank you for the billionth times! hahahahaha! love ya! and fyi, SOUJI IS MINE! ^,^


@cayneriel01 and attractive guys that are real. but those only exist in foreign countries. =3=


@ShiroLin yea agree.. besides sleeping bishounens is one of the reason to drool


@cayneriel01 well they do. Without them you wouldn't have fanfics or anything to drool over.