@mochinojams aw boo! please don't say that. I'm sorry if I hurt, all I wanted was for you to improve honey. Yes, we've all been there, honey. I have received bad reviews for my books too, and trust me it does hurt that the thing you put so much hard work in doesn't get the praise you wanted it to get. But maybe, it didn't appeal to that person. Maybe it might appeal to someone else. Or maybe, that person wants something better than what you showcased. Everyone has their own tastes, and nobody, I repeat, nobody can please everyone. Please don't stop entering contests. Instead, look into your own works and see what you can do to make it better.
In my opinion, you sound like a promising poet. You just need to practice better, learn to control your language and not let your language usage control you. I am so glad you worked so hard for your entry in my contest. You don't know how much each and every entry sent to me makes me smile. Thank you for making me smile, dearie. And don't say you ain't a good writer, become a great writer! I'm sure that you will become an awesome one!
LOts and lots of love,