I was tagged by @enchantedmints for a 13 things about me meme! You know what that means?
|| You'll procrastinate on this by doing something important? ||
Nope! Let's meme, folks!
|| *Sigh* Just once... ||
1. || Hi, I'm Dark. Think of me as Shock's imaginary friend, though technically I'm more like a weird personification of his common sense. I'm his left brain, so to speak. Logic, reasoning, and editing. Naturally, he hardly uses me. ||
2. I like cartoons. Specifically, shows like Steven Universe and My Little Pony: FiM. The latter has actually been a large influence on my writing, and both have given me lots of ideas for things.
3. || Shock loves the webcomic Homestuck, partially because of its confusing nature, worldbuilding, and amazing characters/characterization. ||
4. Speaking of Homestuck, something I like to do is assign god tiers (basically a personality thing like being an INFP or something) to characters. This helps me understand the characters and how they act a bit better. My god tier is Seer of Hope!
5. || The Muse Court is the name for an imaginary place in Shock's head that houses all of his muses (AKA, characters he writes with). The population in the Court is about 50 or so people. ||
6. I love fanfiction and read way too much of it. Sorry! But a lot of it is so much better than most published works!
7. || Shock is an avid roleplayer. Roleplaying got him into writing back in the seventh grade, and he still roleplays today, even if his style's changed. ||
8. A major influence on my writing has been Rick Riordan, who wrote Percy Jackson.
9. || Shock's spent a lot of time researching writing. TV Tropes and writing blogs are favorite haunts of his, and he spends a great deal of time watching YouTube videos that analyze shows and their stories. ||
10. My preferred genre to write is comedy, but I'm considering branching off into adventure if I find the muse for it.
That's all folks! I tag @Bri-Fire971 and @DawsonSwimmer97 Have fun!