
so you can show the young ones, who will someday go through a similar conflict, that hey. you absolutely will get through it.
          	because if you think no one believes in you.
          	no one loves you.
          	youre better off dead.
          	then remember this:
          	i dont want you to die.
          	in fact, i am positive that hundreds of peoples lives would be empty without you.
          	i believe in you.
          	and you can get through this, no matter how long it takes.
          	i want you to get better.
          	and i know, from the bottom of my heart, that you can.
          	and you will.
          	i give you, my readers, all of the hope in my body.
          	and i do not want to be let down again.
          	i want you to show me that i am right.
          	and that if this message can show one person that life is worth living then i will truly be content.
          	i love you all.
          	thats a fact.
          	and i refuse to be brokenhearted.
          	you will make it through, wether you like it or not.
          	i love you sunshines.


so you can show the young ones, who will someday go through a similar conflict, that hey. you absolutely will get through it.
          because if you think no one believes in you.
          no one loves you.
          youre better off dead.
          then remember this:
          i dont want you to die.
          in fact, i am positive that hundreds of peoples lives would be empty without you.
          i believe in you.
          and you can get through this, no matter how long it takes.
          i want you to get better.
          and i know, from the bottom of my heart, that you can.
          and you will.
          i give you, my readers, all of the hope in my body.
          and i do not want to be let down again.
          i want you to show me that i am right.
          and that if this message can show one person that life is worth living then i will truly be content.
          i love you all.
          thats a fact.
          and i refuse to be brokenhearted.
          you will make it through, wether you like it or not.
          i love you sunshines.


my own feelings, and motivation for creating this story, really were projected into my writing.
          i hope you all enjoyed it and i know you all wanted matt to win, but i suppose, that neither of them did.
          no stories truly have happy endings.
          no trust, no love.
          i want you all to remember that you are not a bad person for loving or trusting or hoping.
          i want you all to know, though, that sometimes, hope- love- trust-
          they kill.
          be careful.
          make sure you know what youre getting yourself into.
          never let the flames take your life away.
          i want you all to have an amazing lifetime, but if you spend it worrying about your problems or something you did wrong or something that someone says that youve done wrong, then youll end it too early.
          no one deserves to die.
          but we all deserve consequence.
          and it is your decision wether to grow and change from said consequences,
          or to stop them completely.
          stop the consequences.
          no worries right?
          no more sadness you can face, right?
          just bliss.
          you may imagine the best with death but i truly assure you.
          coming down is all youll ever do.
          and if you find that death is calling, or if you crave it-
          think of the possibilities!
          think of how much you can create.
          how much you really can teach from these experiences.


this message may be offensive
thank you for staying with me throughout this story.
          rose epidemic was short i have to admit, i only made it around a week ago.
          but , then again, i feel as if i completed my wishes.
          again, i made this because dear starboy was taken down.
          and dear starboy damaged my mental health severely.
          sure it was just a stupid wattpad fanfiction but fuck, i contemplated suicide for hours after reading it.
          i wasnt even depressed at the time.
          i was so innocent and it was as if that story grabbed my hope and crushed it before my eyes.
          dear starboy truly changed me.