Hi! Try this pls 1. Close your left hand 2. Keep it closed 3. Find one different number 5555555555555555555525 4. Make 2 wishes 5. Send this to 15 people but not me 6. after sending open your hand and see
Reading Lists
@suzuxnoir I just watched the episode and Yess!! Honestly I think so too. I really thought we would get to see Tikki in her human form. And I would have liked it more if they focused on the lucky charms a bit. But it was a great episode!!! It may not me the love square, but some important things happened in the episode. Like Tikki and Marinette's friendship became stronger. I love that part so much.
@suzuxnoir Really??? I haven't watched it yet lol. I'm waiting until the eng sub comes out.
Hi! Try this pls 1. Close your left hand 2. Keep it closed 3. Find one different number 5555555555555555555525 4. Make 2 wishes 5. Send this to 15 people but not me 6. after sending open your hand and see
My friend sent me this so please try it 1. Close your left hand 2. Keep it closed 3. Find one number different 5555555555555255 4. Make two wishes 5. Send this to 15 ppl but not me 6. After sending open your hand and look at it
Read it all! If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral. I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care # See how many times u get this # I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I don't get this back, i understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter you must send this to 15 people, including me If you get at least three back, you are loved. With love, send this to the 15 people A friend told me to do this, so past it on. Good luck
Alright Listen And listen good. And read the whole thing. I don't care how long it is. You MATTER in this world People CARE about you You are LOVED You have a PURPOSE Don't give up. It may not seem like it, but People SEE you More than that, they LISTEN. People HEAR you If you left People would notice I would notice. You are loved. You are beautiful. I love you. We love you. No one deserves to disappear. No one deserves to be forgotten. NO ONE deserves to fade away Know you can do this. Know you are loved, seen, heard, noticed,beautiful. Throw away the drugs. Hand in the gun. Put away the knife. Step away from the cliff Climb down from the tree. Look in the mirror. I don't want to hear, "I'm not pretty" "I'm fat" "I look terrible" "I'm ugly" "Everyone would be better off without me" No. I want to hear, "I can do this" "I look nice today" "My hair looks great" "My weight doesn't matter" Now, take off your makeup. Pull off the hat. Brush your hair out of your face. Do it. Look in the mirror. You see that? That is the person you are The beautiful person who matters. Who I care about So go, and do life. Because you matter. I don't know what I'd do without you. Don't say, "You don't even know me" Someone does. Someone cares about YOU, May that someone be me Or someone else There is someone out there who cares about you. Tag everyone you care about <3
✨BOOP✨ You have been booped. Put this on 20 profiles, let the chaos spread!!!!!
@suzuxnoir I just watched the episode and Yess!! Honestly I think so too. I really thought we would get to see Tikki in her human form. And I would have liked it more if they focused on the lucky charms a bit. But it was a great episode!!! It may not me the love square, but some important things happened in the episode. Like Tikki and Marinette's friendship became stronger. I love that part so much.
@suzuxnoir Really??? I haven't watched it yet lol. I'm waiting until the eng sub comes out.
@WaterLilies03 You're welcome<3
Found your profile randomly on some random person's follow list ( ╹▽╹ ) I read your bio and we have so much in common lol. I am also a Marichat and Ladynoir shipper. And I also simp for Shoto and Chat (灬º‿º灬)♡
@IcedMedusa16 Really??? OMGGG Marichat and ladynoir is simply in understandment, But Chat and Shoto. OML. Why aren't we friends yet??? ♡ And TYSM!!! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡ I LOVE YOUR USERNAME TOO!!!
Congrats if you ended up in my bio ppl♡
@Star_gazer45678 Awwee thank youuuu!!! And ofcourse!!! Hahahah Also, I really like your bio!!!! If you want to change it you can, totally up to you, but I love ittttt
@shotoslovechildlmao aww! You're too sweet Vanilla! Thanks! Also, you reminded me that my trashy bio needs a change :').....
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