
Hey guys! For some reason, my latest chapter "Home Sweet Home," got effed up. The format was weird and a hole chunk of the chapter was missing! I fixed it now, so please make sure to check it out again. Thank you very much!


Hey guys! For some reason, my latest chapter "Home Sweet Home," got effed up. The format was weird and a hole chunk of the chapter was missing! I fixed it now, so please make sure to check it out again. Thank you very much!


A message to everyone and anyone: If something is wrong, say it. Tell someone. Whether it's a parent, a sibling, a close friend, do it. And if you think you don't have anyone, you have me. I may not even know you, but hell, that's ok! I'll get to know you. But anyways...if you need to vent, talk to someone. I don't want you to think you're alone, because you're not. Be strong. And things will get better. Trust me. I speak from experience.