

Hey  author hope you are doing fine.... I m reading your book 'the new girl' I m just curious about is there any specific day when you update the chapter?? Or its random??
          Actually I m reading your book and tbh it's toooo good and I m curious rn about the further chapters .     


@readingislove0909 ooh okay  and thank you for the chapter 


@readingislove0909 the update is random and regular. Thankyou for reading.❤


Listen her my girlies, your writer is little bit mad that's why she uploaded only half written Prologue of her book "Among the falling embers" And when she came back today to finally update the Prologue, she realized this mistake. But don't worry, I've edited the prologue and completed the scenes here and on stck as well. You all can go and read the prologue as the chapters will start coming from tomorrow. <3


Hello you all! So yes, as you can see I changed the name of my book 'Your Destiny, My Love' to 'Among The Falling Embers' the reason was simple; nowadays I'm finding so many books with the title Your Destiny, My Love by moulding here and there. No, I'm not saying people are copying me, my book isn't even famous but I just didn't want to blend into the common names rather I want my book to stand out even if it's the title. I planned this book in 2022 and back then titles having the words your, destiny, my, love weren't that common that's why it was unique back then but now, I just feel like I'm joining a trend rather than creating something of my own exclusive. 
          So after a lot of brainstorming from the last few months, I finally decided on a name that will justify the whole story and the genre of my book while standing out in the crowd ;
          Among The Falling Embers. 
          Touching your screen very soon. ❤