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yo guys, y'all either do or don't know this but the author has a disorder which basically gives dagger us alters.
well the gatekeeper maxsu (a gatekeeper is an alter that kinda regulates who fronts in certain situations) decided that author nim (yumi) had one too many anxiety attacks and kinda pulled her into the headspace for awhile.
why is this important... yumi is the author of all the books on this account so therefore while she's in the inner world (headspace) these books won't be updated.
maxsu thought it was a good idea to make me (Daniel) a temporary host (the host is the alter that fronts the most often, there can be more than one in some cases).
For about 2 weeks I'll be here instead so don't expect updates anytime soon because I'm shit at writing!
Anyways I'm pretty sure yuums will be planning shit in the headspace during these two weeks so yeah um... have fun?