
been too lazy to work on my zack fair story -_-" 


Hey there.  I haven’t updated that fic in like 6 years... so I think the first person I should apologize to is someone who was promoting it. I  accidentally wrote myself into a corner. I knew the basics of hownit would end but I was missing the key detail of that next fight and that had me stuck... then it all just went out of my mind. 
           So I just like to let you know I finished writing it and I’m gonna repost it in its completion, because of how many errors that were in the original posting and some things (maybe two chapters before the new ones) that need to be fixed or added.  I will have it reposted on by the end of the month. 
          Again, sorry.  I have felt guilty for six years and I think I should follow through this time.


I never really use Wattpad, is there a private message thing?


Okay so
          •Tayah/Dave should just be training or something with Zeke and then this Youma (i think its a Youma, i forgot whether or not you changed it here) decides it would be a terrific idea to appear. It starts, ya know, effing things up, so Tayah/Dave runs away and transforms to Sailor Dream/Star/whatever it was because I told you my memory is terrible. ANYWAYS... So what if Cloud was walking around and happened to see her transform. BOOM-chaos.
          •Just..ya know.. More fight scenes. That stuff is cool.
          •maybe Tayah being more of an awesome bada$$ ninja in her sailor form
          •the rest of her friends defeating whatever is outside and making it to wjere Clare and Tayah are
          •wow my ideas suck
          •and now I'm doing this to make it look like I actually have a lot of ideas
          Well, thats it. Hope it (somewhat) helps.


This could maybe possibly get a bit long, I don't know yet. But here are any and all ideas I have for that one story (I forgot the name because I'm so very good at remembering things)
          You know what? I just managed to forget the main character's name. Yay for terrible memories!!! I'll continue this soon! XD