
Went to Comifuro 8 and I'm buying so much stuff xD
          	"It's better to buy then regret than regret for not buying." -Sultan


this message may be offensive
Umm actually
          Objection, dumbass
          Haven't you heard? 
          You absolute failure
          Did gumfuck not tell you? 
          *salary cutting noises*
          Your garbage excuse of a "hypothesis"? 
          I'll shove my entire cravat up your ass
          Becuase it's fucking wrong
          Why? Well you little bitch... 
          If you could take a look at this motherfucking
          U P D A T E D   A U T O P S Y   R E P O R T


Hi salam kenal. Thanks untuk votingnya buat fanfif FF XV saya. FYI saya nggak update lagi di sini. Kalau tertarik membaca lanjutannya, kamu bisa kunjungi situs dan search judul "Final Fantasy Versus XV". Di sana cerita sudah jauh sekali, sampai chapter 37 dan masih lanjut.


@FFXVVR sama2 haha. The problem is ada banyak perubahan di beberapa chapter di sini, jadi saya mau mengingatkan sebelum kamu terlanjut baca kepanjangan :)


@FFXVVR Halo, makasih infonya ya :D Sukses dgn fanficnya!


The reason I haven't updated my Ace Attorney book is because......
          ....writers' block. EVERY TIME.
          Maybe once when I go to school next Monday, inspiration hit me like a truck because I actually made that book to keep me sane from school. Heh.
          I'm sorry if I dissapointed anyone! ;-;