
Heyy, Extremely sorry for randomly texting you. 
          I am Ozma! We are looking for active members. I came across your account through a community, and would love if you would be interested to join our community?
          We provide a lot of flexibilities like skipping tasks and such. You can join in without an interview as well! Please do consider joining, I am sure you won't regret the fun it has.


~ Relucir is spanish for “Gleam” ~
          “Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is.” — Mae West
          Welcome to Relucir! Another one of our brilliant shops that helps people reach another level of creativity!
          If you’re the type of person who doesn't know how to express your individuality, or want to add a bit of sparkle to your account, you have come to the right place. With our highly skilled bio designers, we shall aid you in creating a perfect bio so you can let your personality gleam bright!
          With the interesting information you’ll provide, we’ll decorate your bio with symbols and aesthetics of your choice!  
          Intriguing, isn’t it? If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to order a bio and let your true self shine!


Hey, it's the host of Frosty Flavors. The judging list for Fantasy category is out and you still haven't Followed your judge yet. Please follow your judge within the next 24 hours or you will be disqualified. Thank you 


@sugararmy07  Can you tag the user. I am not able to find 


@shxlomoh lost access to his account, RIP. Well, the book will go here instead in my new account to start anew. He has a new account as well with a pairing pseudonym like myself, but yeah. I'll post it in mine instead coz' I don't trust him to lose his email again (lmao). 


@myrddin-emrys Well, it is good that you will be the one handling the book instead of me. I will just support the book while I send you the drafts by email for your revision.


@myrddin-emrys No, unfortunately. It is what it is, I guess.


@shelomoh-ibn-dawud Can't you really find a way to access this account of yours?