And his name was on it.
Not physically,
But it was there.
He tainted everything I do and everywhere I go.
His name is on everything
His words fly through the sky like too many birds chirping at once.
His words are every single blade of green grass on my lawn.
his name was on that wall-
this wall that I’ve been staring at for hours
his name is drilled into my head
his actions stab me in the neck like little needles
His name was on that wall but I did not write it. No one did.
My thoughts split when I think of him just as our bond did,
We are not the same.
He is everything.
And hes a sad soul, resembling a ghost and he cant help it and his ghost follows me around and his human body has no idea that he is haunting me
His name is on that wall. Because his fading love for me is walking around, writing it on everything so that I will think of him and he will stay alive.
I stopped thinking about him.
And his name is not on anything.
Layne kostenick