
Thank you for 900k on Secrets!


@sian-elizabeth Yes please. Please update  more frequently!


@sian-elizabeth congrats dear and thank you for updating was waiting for it .... patiently aaaaand please update soon. Thank you ❤❤❤❤


          I know it's a lot to ask....but please continue Exposed...The cliffhanger is killing me and I just read both books in the series through the night...You are an amazing but frustrating writer coz I can't fully gate any of the characters...I'd really love if you finished the book...I hope your okay though...


I just finished reading exposed now and Im honestly so intrigued by it, and I just want to know more!! But im really concerned by the fact that the last update was on july :( I hope its not dropped or anything bc Ill be really sad. But anyway I hope you're just taking a break and stuff. There are so many books that I adore and fave and know of that have/has been dropped or not updated and I pray and hope this wont be one as well too :(. I really wish you well author for creating this wonderful creation of yours. You are so talented!!❤️❤️