
//Hey. So, um..
          Thank you. I just wanna say this. I'm close to 50 followers. And, probably wouldn't have done anything if you hadn't been there in the beginning. You were the first to actually follow and interact with me. 
          I know you've probably forgotten me, as my account and everything has gone under multiple renovations. But, I just wanted to say thank you.//


@AmongTheDyingStars I do remember you. :) I'm actually have taken a little break from wattpad because rl is chaos at the moment. I will still occasionally look around and visit. I'm so glad you remember me! I must say i really have a thing of looking up new authors and people who haven't taken of yet. It's wonderful to encourage someone who has talent like you and uses it despite not having all the attention they deserve yet. To be there from the beginning till the end which will hopefully be never. 
            I started doing this because some authors never got any feedback and desided to quit before a lot of people had read their story. And that pains me. But i'm very proud of you and everyone that got tru it. You are my heroes.


You make great suggestions for my book! You have dragged me away from the spiral of procrastination and are a blessing for the wattpad community! ^_^ :-D


I. Happy. Words deserted me. BeakerMuppet.exe has stopped working. I might defy any and all laws of reality writing the request though. Ei. How fast cub grows up and stuff just to make it flow better. I go be happy now


@BeakerMuppet  That's so nice of you to say! Thank you! If you ever need any plot lines you can always ask. I usually have a few in my mind per day. It's just they aren't always the best fit for a particulair book. I do my best to pick out a plot per author but sometimes it just doesn't fit. If it does so don't be afraid to say so! Good luck with your book!