@Sianybum Truth is I do and do not want to graduate high school. The reason why I want to graduate because I hate high school. I am tired of waking up at 5am. School starts at 7am. I have a lot of different kind of alarm that suppose to wake me up but Truth I am really hard to wake up. One day I really didn't wake up. I had the alarm clock on and the clock went out, I slept all the way to 6:30am two years ago and I miss the bus, my parents at work too. I am looking forward that college, u can pick the time you want to go. That is a good thing.
I am not really scared because I have to many backup plan. i have a lot of ideas of what to do. It kind of scared me of having thught of living alone with no one there.
Tell me what happened? What were you expecting in London? What is it like of there?