
I've been pretty busy with school lately so the chapters have been slower going than usual for Leveling up. Most of my time has been spent on my creative writing class so I've published a new book full of the poetry I've written for that class. You should check it out! I'm sorry and I hope you like the poetry if you check it out!


I've been pretty busy with school lately so the chapters have been slower going than usual for Leveling up. Most of my time has been spent on my creative writing class so I've published a new book full of the poetry I've written for that class. You should check it out! I'm sorry and I hope you like the poetry if you check it out!


I just finished reading the Event Horizon of Ad Astra and De Terra in 2 days. I'm sobbing of pain and joy at the same time. My heart going to explode. 
          Fun Fact: I discovered Ad Astra from an epic animatic commercial thing on youtube and loved it so much I decided to check out the story. I was not disappointed in the slightest.
          I definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't. Its by Hellenite on Ao3


-one week ago-
          Me: my friends are going to In n Out on Friday can I go?
          My parents: Yeah sure
          -one week later-
          Me: *texts my parents to remind them my friends and I are going to a In n Out*
          My parents: How dare you just say that your going to In n Out without asking first
          Me: I literally did
          My parents: how dare you talk back to us *takes away my electronics including my phone and chromebook that I need for school*
          My Mom: we're taking away your electronics for and entire month, I've heard from other parents that it makes kids less disrespectful 
          Also my mom: *helicopter parents Me about every single school assignment I get
          Me: ‍♀️


I have written the prologue and first 2 chapters of the beeduo book I'm going to post. Honestly, the first 5 chapters will probably be mostly prologue while I figure out the rest of the plot. I'm currently in the process of editing them. Should be posted later tonight. I have no name for the book yet so the name I put will just be a placeholder. Thank you for understanding.