
Thank you all for over 400 followers and 1 million reads on my one direction preferences book! I love you guys:)


I understand where you are coming from with Zayn. I really do. He lied to this fandom about himself for 5 years and now this is the real Zayn. I feel like he has changed definitely changed since he has been out of 1D. When has Zayn ever been rude to Louis like that like ever and since when has he done that to Perrie and crap. If this is how Zayn is gonna be I'm sorry I don't want any part of it. What i realized is that i didn't love Zayn i loved the person that I thought he was. Zayn knew that it wasn't his type of music when he sang what makes you beautiful. But instead of leaving then and causing less heartbreak. He had to stay for 5 years after everyone has gotten attached to him  and to me there was no point in staying for five years even if you were trying to do it for the fans. If your heart isn't into it you shouldn't do it. Oh and don't even get me started on how he left in the middle of the freaking tour that people paid MONEY to come and see him. I am not mad at you at all I completely understand everything. I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR PREFERENCE BOOK BY THE WAY I READ IT EVERYDAY!


First of all, thank you so much! That means SO much to me!!! Second, thank you for understanding!! I completely agree 100% about what you said! You're right on the money. I, personally, am not going to have anything to do with zayn anymore and if anyone has a problem, I'm sorry, but you don't have to follow me lol. Anyway, thank you!!! :) 


Are u going to update he is your friends bf part 3 .... Please do... And one more question.. Are u ever going to include zayn in your pref again?


@izzie_n I won't be updating part 3 unless someone gives me any ideas! Also, if you want to know more about my stand point on Zayn, scroll down just a bit; I made a post about him and how I feel!


@LovedUSince18  I completely agree! Thank you for understanding. Also, thank you so much! I try my best for you guys :)


this message may be offensive
Okay, so I know not many people are going to read this but listen up if you do. I've been getting questions as to why Zayn was not included in my latest 1D Preferences. Here's the deal: I'm still pissed at Zayn to be honest. I know some of you are totally okay with him but for me it's not like that. If he wants to be an asshole then so be it and I don't want him in my preferences. I think he's being rude and I don't like what he's done so I'm not going to include him.
          If you disagree, I'm sorry and you can unfollow me anytime if you're really that bothered. If not, thanks for understanding and enjoying my writing. I hope you guys DO understand me. 
          If you have any questions, you can message me. I'll be more than happy to answer anything (even if it's not about this)! I also take preferences requests.
          Thank you guys so much. I love you all more than you'll ever know, thank you so much for supporting my writing it means the world to me. Xoxo


Hey guys! I know it's been an eternity, and I apologize for that, but here I am with a new fanfic idea! It will be a Calum one (most likely, not all the details are set yet), and probably an AU. I have the idea all ready, I just have to set it all up and write it! I will be posting on here and my tumblr (softgrunge-styles) and bringing it back on my quotev (damndicaprio)!! Just a new thing, so be looking out for that! Sorry I've been gone so long; I'll be on more often now:)
          Have a beautiful day/night my sunflowers!


Hey guys!! I know I haven't talked to you guys in a while but I just wanted to know if you guys can help me out right quick!
          In my last One Direction preference (He's Dating Your Sister But You Like Him) I made a part 2 but now so many of you want a part 3!! The thing is, I have no ideas for a part 3!:( If you guys could please just help me out with some ideas (comment, inbox, whatever you can!) it would be a BIG help and a lot easier to write a part 3! If I have no ideas, I can't write one. So, for those who really want a part 3, please come help me out!!
          Love you all xx