
New TTSNL one-shot on AO3:


I’ve gotten a couple of questions about the next update on Unfettered. I’ve pretty much been away from home for most of June and just got back, and I’ll likely be gone again in a couple of weeks. I’m feeling a bit…I don’t know, spacey since I got back? I’m exhausted. But I also didn’t realize that I last updated Unfettered back in April! I know my readers don’t mind and want me to take my time, but I do miss writing. I am hoping to change careers at some point so I can have energy for my hobbies again.


@silailo that sounds tough, I hope you get to land on a career you waaaant


@silailo I see. Good luck. Hope it works out.


@Purple00123 Something dealing with public records, preferably with a state agency.


I wanted to do a double update of Blooming Stars because one was a short chapter, but simply didn't have the energy needed to edit the second chapter, as I forgot there was something I needed to fix in it. I did a bunch of running around today. I plan (or hope) to have the next one posted soon.


So I seem to be running into some writer’s block with both of my stories. I’m also burned out from work on top of that, which has badly affected my desire and energy to write. So….expect very slow updates.
          Just wanted to keep everyone informed. :)


@silailo you could take your time, we'll be waiting  personally, I am too invested to this story that I am willing to wait even of it takes you months to update again


My work's field season is gearing up again and it's going to be a little crazy. This means my fic may go on hiatus again, at least until I have a better feel for my schedule. I'm going to try getting out the last chapter of Part 3 before this happens, though. Interlude III may not come as quickly since I've had it unfinished for...a really long time, lol. I just want to make everyone aware.


The main story for TSNL has come to an end. We are sad, or mad, depending on whether you thought the ending was lame. But no worries, we can look forward to extra stories, as well as more chapters of Unfettered as I try to steer the plot toward the climax, if it would let me!
          But on a serious note, I’m still struggling a little with burnout. If not for some of my loyal readers, this fic probably would’ve gone on a years-long hiatus and returned well after everyone forgot TSNL ever existed, lol. So thank you, everyone, who has stuck with me for this long!


@lady_midnight123 Thank you! ❤️❤️


@ThesilverWolf888 Thank you!! ❤️ It ended today. Supposedly there will be extra stories later at some point.