
this message may be offensive
Important announcement: I'm back after so long because of a caffeine-induced psychedelic experience and pulling seven all-nighters then finally having enough money to get my shitty computer fixed. I have been spit out and chewed by work and school and now I'm even gayer and not cis than before. I have a headache and am chugging a monster as we speak.  But I'm back for good probably and will continue posting in an hour maybe five. I'm deleting Undesirable love because it's ass and so fucking cringe. So It'll be replaced with my caffine-induced zombie nightmare fic so enjoy whores.


this message may be offensive
Important announcement: I'm back after so long because of a caffeine-induced psychedelic experience and pulling seven all-nighters then finally having enough money to get my shitty computer fixed. I have been spit out and chewed by work and school and now I'm even gayer and not cis than before. I have a headache and am chugging a monster as we speak.  But I'm back for good probably and will continue posting in an hour maybe five. I'm deleting Undesirable love because it's ass and so fucking cringe. So It'll be replaced with my caffine-induced zombie nightmare fic so enjoy whores.



@silent12864 You’re welcome I know how much you love him ;) 


@Shiggy122894 Twice is baby I love him thank you (≚ᄌ≚)ℒℴѵℯ❤


Thanks for all the follows guys one more until 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol no but seriously thank you all!


@silent12864 UR welcomm and congo 
                                                 ( can we be friends?)


@silent12864 You’re welcome and congrats :) 


this message may be offensive
I can say with 100% certainty that I fucking absolutely despise "That vegan teacher." I watched a recent video she posted on youtube and almost threw my fucking computer. This bitch said and I quote " ...after you do that you will be an amazing animal rights activist, you will be better than everyone else, yeah, yeah that's right you will be it's just a fact vegans are better..." excuse me ma'am wtf. I love vegans and vegan products ok, I may not be vegan but I recognize it's importance and role, however I draw a mother fucking line here. It is in no way ok to claim superiority over someone because they do things different from you this is just wrong. My little sister almost started crying because of this whore she had nothing to cry about at all but this lady came in and made her feel inferior for consuming meat and animal products. She asked if she was a bad person? Like what the hell I understand all animals we eat aren't treated just and fair but that's no excuse to be cruel like this. If your vegan good for you I just don't want people going around trying to put me or others down because we don't have the same opinions on things. That is what she's doing and not only that she's been attacking people who have never even mentioned being vegan ever and it's really pissing me off. Sorry for the long rant but come on forcing your ideals onto people is not good.


@jojo12queen Thanks for asking yeah she's ok we monitor her vegan lady intake now and yeah I'd love to be friends (^・ω・^ )


@silent12864 i agree with u (wanna be friends)
            that lady is a dick 
            i hope ur sisters ok


I was casually watching youtube when I saw a video of a guy cosplaying as Hisoka and All Might at the same time. I saw a comment that said "YOUNG MIDORIYA DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT...iT's ReAlLy tUrNiNg Me oN~" and now that's all I've been thinking about for the past hour.


@pastel_meowzy Sorry fell asleep but yeah I will ~(=^‥^)/


@silent12864 well, whenever you get the opportunity, you should look at the animations, they.are. Hilarious!!!


@pastel_meowzy I watched a few and that just kinda stuck with me, haven't been able to watch any recently though.