(Gets excited) BEATLE TIME! I have currently gone about 5months without the Beayles *wheezes*
anyway back to you and your lovely fingers for pressing FAN!
imma ditch chu and the beatles to feed mah self xD
anyway man I just wanted to say thank you very much for becoming a fanyerd and adding CO-ED to yo library ^,6
Do you like that story? if so you'll get a dedication
oh mah gawsh Imma type the next chapter... I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE typing =__= wish me luck
oh the word fanyerd came up... fanyerd = electtronic fan's name = fanyerd = alll my fans on wattpad
and here's a song I made today for my newest fanyerds ^,^
My homie named joe said he liked my show, and said that I should get a couple more to go
Why not? so I packed up my cookie dough
and found stage we like to call
my fingers put the swagger in Mr. McJagger
and out the words come from
I catch this lil button talking about
next think ya know I got fanyerds
filling up my emails
reading through these words
and you know what's up?
you are my darling Fanyerd
you are up my alley chilling and grilling with Mr.McFillin'
and next thing ya know, boy
gotta me a nother fanyerd chilling and grilling and watching me put the moves like Jagger
Goodness did mention I had devoured about 5boxes of pocky when I made that?
Ich bin mude und hat hunger so tuches!
and if you're wondering which to chose when you come across a questionaire (but i can't spell seruvy? servey cervey?) that has you choose Unicorn or Poines ALWAYS PICK THE UNICORNS!
ponies are unicorn wannabes xD
A smile can make someones bad day, good
Marshie :D