hey guys! So in order for me to write this book I am going to need to take a break! I have just started a job and I feel that I need to have more planned and my world fleshed out so that the chapters can be uploaded. Also, my 'every two weeks' deadline is a little... optimistic to say the least. That is, at this moment. I had plans to get more done than I did when I uploaded my first chapter then I got ahead of myself and realised if I uploded chpater 3, chapter 4 would take forever! So, I'll be back as soon as possible with chapter 3 and hopefully I'll be ahead enough to give y'all chapters every two weeks like I origionlly pomised. since I am taking this break, I am open to notes on my first two chapters. Gramer, plot, whatever because before I dive back into uploading and after I plan a bit more, I may revist my chapter and make some small, but possibly necessary, edits. Have a good day everyone and I'll get back to y'all soon!