Hi everyone!! I will be taking my fics off wattpad in the near future. I wanted to give everyone warning so you gave the chance to find them elsewhere. Everything should be cross-posted to my ao3 account (same name as here, silentdescant) but I will be going through the fics here individually to make sure it's all archived there. Thank you for continuing to read my work and thank you so much for continuing to leave comments. I'm always so grateful to hear that you've enjoyed my fics. Come find me on ao3 for my ptx fics and my fics in many, many more fandoms! :)
I just wanted to say that I just got an ao3 invitation back, and I'm going to check that out now. thank you for helping, and I think the thread will be useful!
@scottanhoying of course! Sorry for not explaining in my original post. But this may be useful to you or others, I came across a Twitter thread today of a guide to AO3 for newbies!
@silentdescant oh, I see, I think I'll sign up for an account then! thank you for replying (: