
SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT FOR THOSE WAITING FOR A NEW CHAPTER IN MY REMASTERED BOOK LOL to be transparent with you guys, life was rough around the time I posted the last recent chapter so my motivation had dropped BADLY. That, and I got hit with writers block since I did TRY to work on a new chapter. But I think I’m ready to keep working on this, ontop of Season 3 of Konosuba now out, my motivation is coming back. Just to be safe than sorry, I will say now do not expect consistent uploads! The book is very much a side project that I still want to work on and will do so when I please to not cause any stress :) Hope you guys understand and I’m hoping to get this chapter out this week!
          	Again, sorry about the wait! 


SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT FOR THOSE WAITING FOR A NEW CHAPTER IN MY REMASTERED BOOK LOL to be transparent with you guys, life was rough around the time I posted the last recent chapter so my motivation had dropped BADLY. That, and I got hit with writers block since I did TRY to work on a new chapter. But I think I’m ready to keep working on this, ontop of Season 3 of Konosuba now out, my motivation is coming back. Just to be safe than sorry, I will say now do not expect consistent uploads! The book is very much a side project that I still want to work on and will do so when I please to not cause any stress :) Hope you guys understand and I’m hoping to get this chapter out this week!
          Again, sorry about the wait! 


I'll be releasing a new chapter after almost a whole month! Life got busy. The chapter is almost 10K words which.. I don't think I've ever written that much before for one chapter LOL. I hope you guys enjoy! It took me a few days to write. Just re-reading through it to check any errors and it'll be up!


A question for people who read the original Part 1 of my Konosuba book and are currently following the Remastered book! How are you enjoying it so far? Has my writing improved? Are you enjoying the longer chapters? Any feedback is appreciated!


@silenthazy And both do wonders. Y/N from the old does feel like the 15 year old he was made to be, and this one feels like a true 19 year old.


@Son_Of_Thors The difference between writing a fanfic at the age of 15-16 against writing one at 19 has substantial differences LOL 


Genuinely love it, I like how Y/N doesn't feel young anymore, not only due to him being aged up but he straight up feels more mature, no longer "Lemme feel some tiddies" but brushing it off and feeling so grown.