
I'm not a fan of my other works... but if I unpublish there will be zilch to read.


What are you working on now?


@Nikki_Beckett it's kind of the story of an original character of mine, she becomes a thief through a series of events that were a little unfortunate. And Moriarty and Moran make an appearance as does Loki. And it's just kind of her life/adventures/various romances


Omg ikr I get the same way im like "OH! The perfect twist ending!! No no no that changes everything ...... but wait wat if I just go back and change just one little... nope! Focus!" Having internal arguments creative hemisphere fighting with practical other half LOL


@Nikki_Beckett haha yes! that's exactly it!!!! I love it though. It means this new one is taking ages to be ready to publish but still, I'm so enjoying it!


Yeah I get you I originally wanted to post all three of the mea vita series on mine but I ended up getting distracted with Sun and I keep changing the flow of the story im only just getting ut to where I want to start posting up again. Its a pain trying to organize your thoughts and have it come out how you want lol I did enjoy what you have up of sparrow tho I'm going to look at the other in a moment


@Nikki_Beckett I know right! it's so cool to talk to someone who has experienced the same issue! I just get random moments of inspiration for chapters. near the end of the story and I'm just like "no brain, stop it! go back to the start!" Haha :) aw thank you, it means a lot to me that someone has actually enjoyed my drivel so far :)


Started reading yours got fully distracted its good I like it a lot of tension :D


@Nikki_Beckett aw thank you!  I'm fairly pleased with it but I'm not sure... I like what I'm currently working on much more, which is why progress on the Swallows Tale has. ground to a halt slightly. I just need to figure out how to start my next story so I can start publishing bits :/