
I'm back y'all, after a long ass break. Sorry about not posting, I forgot my password for a bit and all. Hope you all are having a great night/day!


hey guys, Shout-out time!!!
          todays shout-outs go to 
          go follow them for me would ya. also, go check out their content, its really great, and its worth the reads


@silentstrikers03 Thanks for the shout out, dude.

          these blue eyes of mine have seen too much to be able to see the hope again.  shoutout to my beautiful Girlfriend, @Rikabuckingham . she doesnt have that many followers, and all i ask is that you go follow her for meh. have a nice day everyone. imma go sit at home and have panic attack after panic attack.


@silentstrikers03 thanks for the shout out!!!


this message may be offensive
i legitimately want to kill myself right now, i cant fucking take anymore of the fuckers in highschool, and what help i do get, its not enough to stop what they do to me. im picked on daily, whether it be for what i wear or for what i listen to. i cant take this life anymore.i have constantly asked for help from my family, but they never get what im trying to say. lately ive been acting happy, but have had a fake smile. ive only genuinely smiled a few times, and thats around my girlfriend, but i worry about our relationship and i worry that she wants something else. i cant take this anymore. help, before i do something. help me


@silentstrikers03 , I can tell you this your girlfriend is fine with just hanging out with you and nothing more and she loves you.  And I believe she would like tou to talk to her about your fears and about your worrys.