Remember the Yooreek x Meebkin fic you wrote? I re-read the entire thing for no reason, trying to pick out all of the HFU references, here's all that I noticed (some of these are probably coinidences)
- the constant and suspicious overuse of "æ" (mainly Blarret noises)
- Nitebear x Gaddzooks (It was said that Gadd banged Nite and not vice-versa, implying that Gaddzooks is a top XD)
- Blarret, Flasque and Auglur being the iconic gossip trio
- Meebkin's passing out/fainting issues (when Yooreek hugged him or something)
- Blarret calling Meebkin "Meeby" a couple times
- Blarret's use of "ya" instead of "you" - example not-in-the-story sentece- "Ya like Nitebear, don't ya Gaddzooks?"
That's all I can think of now, p.s. I still exist :)