
Hey there peeps: the long awaited next chapter of Cry wolf is up.  Hope you guys enjoy it. While you so that, I will be working on the next chapter!


@sillynanagurl this is great!! Thank you so much, time to read from the beginning again.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 


Hi again, which chapter do you like better? Ch 35 Crumbling walls or CH 27 Not a time for words?


@-NikaRave- I can't say per chapter what I enjoyed more. It's difficult for me to break them up into parts. I can tell you though that I am on my second reading. 
            The first time I read it, I could not put it down. Lost a good chunk of sleep doing that. Also, I get very absorbed reading a book with such a refreshing and unique storyline. (So totally impossible to remember to vote or comment on every chapter)
            From the first chapter, you had me spellbound. The way you built your world was pure genius. Your characters aren't generic, they are actual people that experience real, and sometimes raw, emotions. 
            The plot keeps me guesing and drags me along a wild rollercoaster ride. Or should I rather say hanging onto two globes for dear life while they drag me along the body of a LS. That was, by the way, one of the most boyish and sweetest moments your Captain allows himself.
            You have me hooked. I will most likely be reading these books 3 to 4 times a year. I love revisiting old friends, while I wait for the next part of their story.
            An excellent work and brilliantly executed. 


Hey, I just realized that you left that DoS comment five years ago. And now, I'm saddened, for I've only written three books in those five years. Where does the time go? Still, I remembered you. Isn't it amazing how much power a few words can have? This is why you should keep writing yourself, and reading. One never knows what sentence of words will have an impact.


Hello again, it's been awhile. Canaisis is a very different type of tale from Depth of Sacrifice. More of a character driven slow burn than a shoot 'em up story. I think you will enjoy the quality of how this story is written and I look forward to hearing your thoughts as you read each chapter.
               Anyways, I recognized you at your first vote and just wanted to let you know I left you a shout out in 'authors final word' in Depth of Sacrifice, in case you never saw it.
                        Sincerely, Raven


@-NikaRave-  This an amazing read. Very happy to have found Depths again. I enjoyed it all over again.
            Canaisis is such a refreshing work. Had trouble switching it off last night. I must confess that I do sometimes get lost in a story, especially one this amazing, that I forget to vote. And that is my excuse for re-reading several times. So I can vote for the ones I missed.
            And yes, I found the shout out!! (Did a silly crazy wriggle in my chair, and shoved it under my daughter's nose) Thanks for that. 
            Stay awesome