
Guys I think I already have my Halloween costume planned


Sometimes I consider making a book to talk about my selfships but then I remember how with some I am EXTREMELY nonsharing and 100% would start tweaking so unless I can chill out I won’t be talking about most of them </3


Walking by the wall
          (Shy one) the shadows will not fall
          (Shy one) is silently ignored
          (Shy one) discouraged by the noise
          (Quiet one) living without choice
          (Quiet one) is a life without a voice
          When you can’t even say my name
          Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
          Go and call my name
          I can’t play this game, so I ask again
          Will you say my name?
          Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
          Or have I become invisible?
          That dreamers wish away
          (Hindsight) is falling on my face
          (Hindsight) is the shape of my disgrace
          When you don’t hear a word I say
          As the talking goes, it’s a one-way flow
          No fault, no blame
          Has the memory gone? are you feeling numb?
          And have I become invisible?
          And no one hears a word they say
          Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
          Not a word they say
          But a voiceless crowd isn’t backing down
          When the air turns red
          With their loaded hesitation
          Can you say my name?
          Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
          Have we all become invisible?


Squad we have the first “Grimz feels like passing out” moment of 2025!! This time I was able to avoid it until March which is a new record for avoiding that feeling!!!


@Suchilyy- yep!! I’m feeling better now, I just used a bit of humour earlier to try taking my mind off of it a little


Grimz are you okay...? 