
Hello fellow readers befor I can give fome news first let me say this "FREE AT LAST! I AM FREE AT LAST" from school "I AM FREE AT LAST". I am finally on summer vacation and you know what that means.....more writing, new updates, and stories, YEAH!. I will also be correcting errors on spelling, and grammer on already published stories. I been useing my phone since then and I don't have auto spelling corrections on this phone. I appreciate those who send me messages on my errors it helps me a lot. If anyone notice any errors please let me know I don't mind. I will be useing my computer from now on. I also want to let everyone know that my stories are fanfiction which means its my opinions. If you don't like it then don't read it, or just ignor it. Don't send me hate messages or I will tell you to "GET OUT" and "RESPECT", you been warned. Now thats out I need to get back to my stories.


Hello fellow readers befor I can give fome news first let me say this "FREE AT LAST! I AM FREE AT LAST" from school "I AM FREE AT LAST". I am finally on summer vacation and you know what that means.....more writing, new updates, and stories, YEAH!. I will also be correcting errors on spelling, and grammer on already published stories. I been useing my phone since then and I don't have auto spelling corrections on this phone. I appreciate those who send me messages on my errors it helps me a lot. If anyone notice any errors please let me know I don't mind. I will be useing my computer from now on. I also want to let everyone know that my stories are fanfiction which means its my opinions. If you don't like it then don't read it, or just ignor it. Don't send me hate messages or I will tell you to "GET OUT" and "RESPECT", you been warned. Now thats out I need to get back to my stories.




@AJ_GLUSKIN Thanks for reading my story


Hello fellow readers! Sorry I have not been posting new stories, I have been busy and school has been a B with me since its been takeing up most of my time. Pluse HW took most of my free time. I will try to put in more time in my stories and will post 1st chapture of Claymore: Winter Journey sometime this week or today, its not a garantee but I will try.


Hey silvercrow.. are you still writing Claymore? If so, create something about Teresa 


@JacquelineDohim At this moment I am already in the process of writing it, capture 1 is almost done, and will be posting it soon. Since I am on summer vacation I will be writing and updating more stories.


 #WPMilestones  I first started righting stories when I was in high school. It all started on a day when I was siting in my literature class one day. My teacher give us an assignment to wright a short story. The topic was friendship. Eventually the teacher loved it so much. From that point on I will right down short stories on notebook paper. I would some times read other literature and stories to evolve my righting kills. Weather its tragic, romance, fiction, nonfiction. I wrote about those topics. but then there was something missing, no one was reading them. It wasn't until last April in 2015, that I discover Wattpad. I begin to read the stories online and was fascinated by the amount of readers that read stories that are created by other people, who are not famous, but create good stories. I then sigh up and created my first Fanfiction-comedy. That fanfiction is my most read today. Most of my stories are fanfiction, then I decided to reweight the stories I wrote during my high school year and publish it on Wattpad. Most are still in the making, but I hope to publish it soon and hope readers will love it. My thanks to Wattpad for creating this website. You have my gratitude.


Wattpad are having problems with the website. Anyone who has issues with thier computer to log into Wattpad. I suggest that you download the Wattpad on your tablet or phone. I had problems with my log in and had to download the app and it works just fine. I am going to be a little bit behind on my stories, due ti this problem. So please stay tune to my resent publish. If you know anyone who uses Wattpad and is experiencing problems, please spred the word about download the Wattpad app. Hopefully Wattpad can fix the problems.