
Hello, my family, friends, and followers!
          	I highly recommend this story for anybody who loves Harry Potter and wants something little more different than what you'd usually see in HP Fanfiction. I spent nearly two weeks reading this story, not that I didn't want to spend all night reading it (lol life said otherwise, unfortunately). However, I connected with many of the characters and the situations that they found themselves in than I have any other book i've ever read before, and the emotions this book had me on edge nearly every time I picked up the book lol.


Hello, my family, friends, and followers!
          I highly recommend this story for anybody who loves Harry Potter and wants something little more different than what you'd usually see in HP Fanfiction. I spent nearly two weeks reading this story, not that I didn't want to spend all night reading it (lol life said otherwise, unfortunately). However, I connected with many of the characters and the situations that they found themselves in than I have any other book i've ever read before, and the emotions this book had me on edge nearly every time I picked up the book lol.


Hellos family ,friends, and followers!
          I need to rant because my mind is officially blown right now, and I feel so betrayed and really pissed off that nobody told me that these books existed!!!  You, my dear sister, you knew they existed because they were on your book shelf! I'm so mad! 
          Now that I got that out of my system, allow me to explain myself to those who don't know what's going on. I've been reading Dune by Frank Herbert. Yes, I know a very big thick book. Now there are many books that are published before and after Dune that are about the universe, worlds, Houses, government and ect, but what I could not find were stories about the events leading up to Dune and lives of some of the Characters one pissed me off I could not find. We are given these characters to love and hate and expect us readers not to want to know more about their life before Dune besides a Fandom page, like seriously, what's wrong with you. 
          So imagine my surprise when I do a deep dive of life's and events leading up to dune and find not 1  but 4 books by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderso.
          Princess of Dune: set 2 years before Dune and focus on Irulan and Chani
          Duke of Caladan: mainly focused on Duke Leto and the events leading up to the reason why. 
          Lady of Caledon: focuses on Lady Jessica and her coming to terms with her betrayal as well as making decisions that will shape an empire.
          The Heir of Caladan: focused on Paul Atreides.  


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Hello, my family, friends, and followers!
          It's a rare occasion for me to share a story that does not originate from this site, and if I like a book, I'm gonna share, so buckle up because this story is good!
          If you go to A03, you can find a time travel/different universe fanfiction story called Sands of Time by SideraAeterna  
          WARNING I will mention some spoiler parts!
          This story does involves the omegavers however it's not heavily implied It's very mild most of the omegavers parts do not appear until mid beginning of story when coming of age and no steamy scenes until the very last page (I know how unfortunate), however that does not mean that you do not have any tension in between leading up to the big steamy moment (Which
          I will say it was really thrilling to read and well worth the wait).
          My description: In this book, our protagonist is born as the 4th daughter of Emperor Shaddam IV Corrino and Lady Anirul Corrino. They show no affection or care towards her. In fact, she is dare I say the black sheep of the family. She craves freedom from the life that was forced upon her by two unknown individuals. Later, she is adopted by Stilgar, and she finds her place and people within the Fremen and learns the Fremen ways. Eventually, she meets Paul, and their first encounter can be said to be undesirable (Paul is such an arrogant brat), however, they learned to tolerate each other and eventually fall in love unknowingly with one each other along the way, and they both don't make it easy even right up to the end.
          The book description: After her death, she never expected to be reborn. Especially in the Dune universe. She wanted to exist without meaning, to finally achieve a modicum of peace. Entrusted with a task, newly named Nashira must figure out her destiny and change the Path, change the One. As if that is so fucking obvious. No. She is going to live as obscurely as she can, as minimal as she can. Destiny and Fate can go fuck themselves.


Hello, my family, friends, and followers. 
          WARNING!!! If you don't like dark romance stories, then this post is not for you!
          I'm starting off this year with the end of a very good Tom Marvolo Riddle dark romance fanfiction called Soteria by undead186. 
          The story involves a female muggleborn student at Hogwarts who was friends with many of our favorite characters. She travels back in time to stop young Tom Riddle by any means necessary. However, along the way, she comes to realize that monsters are not born they are made, and Tom Riddle is human even if he doesn't realize it. She and Tom Riddle struggle to understand their feelings and wants trying to separate head and heart and battling themselves at every glance and encounter. 
          I myself thoroughly enjoyed reading this book as it is a melting pot of emotions that makes you feel so alive and a part of the story.


Hello, my family, friends, and followers! 
          Ok, so I know I said I wouldn't post anything till after the holidays, and there's still the New years, but let me share a story that I just finished that totally stole my heart! 
          This story (little spoiler) is a Fred Weasley x Sirius Black daughter!
          The story will take you on a roller-coaster of emotions ranging from sadness, rage, happiness, love, and so much more.
          This story deals with the magicl world of Harry Potter and all events that come with the original story and then some like complicated relationships, family bonds, stress of life, bravery in the face of danger and realizing not everything is in your control and beingok with it, falling in love in the most unexpected way and all the baggage that comes with lol, and lastly the little moments that make life worth living. Give this book a try, and I guarantee it will become one of your favorites, too! 
          It's easy for you to say  by @moonstonecult
          170 pages with moving pictures in every chapter and an awesome music playlist.


Hello, my family, friends, and followers! 
          I got good news, and I love it when the universe is on my side!!! 
          So, as my last post, some "Creep" was unlawfully using my dead mom's email. Well, now the email problem is resolved, that is assuming the "Creep" didn't get any real information. I woke up to an email saying Google closed the email and am sorry for the loss of my love one yada-yada. So after I got the last email that spun me out to crazy town I texted my older sister about the issue and she suggested I contacted Google to take down the email so I did and let me tell you it was pretty easy. I gave screenshots of emails that I received about strange activity on my dead moms email. I also had to give some legit info about myself as well like my ID and my birth certificate along with my mom's death certificate to show who I really am and how I was related to the "dead person". And omg, the waiting was like hanging off a cliff! I had to wait because Google said that it could take 30 days to review. it only took 20. But at least it is done now.  
          I still don't know what the "Creep" did besides signing into Microsoft Windows and apparently violating Google policies. However, regardless, I have some peace of mind not knowing what the "Creep" was doing with her email, and I prefer it that way. my reason is because I have enough anxiety to last me 10 lifetimes, plus I've been cleaning house, and I started a new chapter in my life because now is a time of peace for me, and I plan on keeping it that way for a very long time. so I don't need no negativity energy, and like with all bad energy, you get rid of it, so I swept it out the door with the rest of the garbage.  
          I'm still going to be taking time off, but I will be back after the holidays. If you see me online, it means I'm just reading for now. 
          Hope you Thanksgiving is wonderful happy holidays!!!


Hello, my family, friends, and followers! 
          Ok, so I am well beyond angry, and I need to rant!!!! 
          OK, so for the last 3 or 4 weeks, I've been stressing over emails I have been getting about some creep trying to use my DEAD mom's old email. I would get notifications about her email because we used mine as a backup if she forgot her password, so if she signed into something, I would see it.
          Now, I contacted Google about deleting her email after the "creep" had already tried to get in multiple times before. I thought it was safe, but oh no, I was so wrong and stupid to even think it would be safe! As I said her account was hacked into and how you may ask well get this the "creep" download and bought a Authenticator subscription, which means they got into my mom's email account using a code and went on Microsoft Windows and god knowswhat else!
          I just received an email yesterday about Google disabling the email account because the "creep" used her account to violate many of google policies, and the account was associated with multiple others that did the same. So now I feel a little calmer, but still, I am full of rage! Who knows what kind of damage this "creep" did in my mom's name! 
          So, going forward the rest of this month and the next two weeks, I'm taking a break from constructive reviewing to cool myself down and relax. So I will be back soon, but I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 


Hello my friends, family, and followers Interesting facts I found out since my last post!!! 
          I apparently am the middle child of 5 children on the bio paternal side of my family tree, and to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about that since I like the perks of being the youngest child, if you know what I mean lol. 
          All together, I have 6 half siblings for sure. I even have more nieces and nephews to add to the spoiling list! Thank God my new younger 2 siblings do not have children, but I mean, I already had 1 great niece and 13 nieces and nephews all together that I knew of so what's a few more to make it 17!? Regardless of the numbers and as intimidating as it may be I do have a goal in life to be the best auntie EVER and spoil every one of them rotten and aslo to be the menace and bane of my siblings lives with my birthday, holiday and celebration gifts...should I wish my new siblings luck or should I show them mercy lol? 
          Also, my bio father was most definitely a cougar hunter because he was 9 years younger than my mom, and wow, talk about a gap! She was 36 when she had me, and he was 26. lol  
          Oh! I also found out that my paternal fourth great-grandmother was full blooded Cherokee, so that's pretty freaking cool! 


Hello Family, Friends, and Followers!
          I just found out that my biological father has died! I found out 2 days before his memorial which unfortunately I can not make since I am NOT in town, which I had NO CLUE that we were even in the same STATE, let alone the same TOWN!!! I am in so much CONFUSION and RAGE, but that is another issue in itself and is in an imaginary box waiting for me to open in therapy!!!
          He died on May 10th of 2024 at age 54 after Cancer throughout his body, of what kind I am not aware, three heart attacks, and then a blown heart. As sad and tramatic as this is I know I am not grieving as hard as I did for my mom but if I am to be completely honest I was raised by an amazing man since I was 4 who I call dad and love till the end of the universe whos place in my heart will never be replaceable, but I definitely am going to take a break from being a constructive reviewer for a bit just to go over the new info I have been given. Not as long as the one I took from my mother's passing but definitely will be away for a while.