Hello, my family, friends, and followers!
I got good news, and I love it when the universe is on my side!!!
So, as my last post, some "Creep" was unlawfully using my dead mom's email. Well, now the email problem is resolved, that is assuming the "Creep" didn't get any real information. I woke up to an email saying Google closed the email and am sorry for the loss of my love one yada-yada. So after I got the last email that spun me out to crazy town I texted my older sister about the issue and she suggested I contacted Google to take down the email so I did and let me tell you it was pretty easy. I gave screenshots of emails that I received about strange activity on my dead moms email. I also had to give some legit info about myself as well like my ID and my birth certificate along with my mom's death certificate to show who I really am and how I was related to the "dead person". And omg, the waiting was like hanging off a cliff! I had to wait because Google said that it could take 30 days to review. it only took 20. But at least it is done now.
I still don't know what the "Creep" did besides signing into Microsoft Windows and apparently violating Google policies. However, regardless, I have some peace of mind not knowing what the "Creep" was doing with her email, and I prefer it that way. my reason is because I have enough anxiety to last me 10 lifetimes, plus I've been cleaning house, and I started a new chapter in my life because now is a time of peace for me, and I plan on keeping it that way for a very long time. so I don't need no negativity energy, and like with all bad energy, you get rid of it, so I swept it out the door with the rest of the garbage.
I'm still going to be taking time off, but I will be back after the holidays. If you see me online, it means I'm just reading for now.
Hope you Thanksgiving is wonderful happy holidays!!!