Regarding some of the more unwelcome comments on the shoto x reader 1. It was my first fic and as I had stated in the book I know there are errors so please stop getting upset over the MLB things as most of those weren’t intended to even be referenced the giggling was something I used in place of laughing a lot when I wrote it Theres no need for anyone to get that upset over phrasing 2. The story is written in the point of view of a young woman due to the fact I was struggling to find my own pronouns at that time and found that to be the most comfortable writing style for me at the time IT IS NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION for anyone to criticize over the pronouns used in someone else’s book so comments like “use they/them pronouns for y/n” are in my opinion rude to the writer because you don’t get to chose how they write what is up to you is how you read the story most stories can simply be read from a different point of gender if you want to on your own please don’t be mad at the writers for writing it how they saw fit -More positive comments- Thank you all for the funny things you say and comment about the story it’s fun to see everyone’s reactions to different things that have happened also I see some of you want the wedding portion and if that’s really the case I think I could throw together a short story of the wedding day/leading week I will be focusing more on my short stories from now on because it’s hard for me to sit down and write the full length pieces ️happy pride and thank you for all the support so far!