
Hey! After about two years of a mission, I'M back and ready to write! First and formost, there is going to be a big re-construction of a shifter's memories, it'll be longer, with more chapters with eric and raiyne, net I will work hard on fallen majesty. Good to be back!


          	  lol, love you too!


OMG! YOURE BACK! Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou  !!!!@silversinger


Happy Birthday, my friend! May peace, happiness, and love be with you everywhere you go. 


May 15th, but it all means the same. Thank you  (:


@walktrek Thanks! I don't know the date of your birthday, but I wish you the most rad one as well


Hey! After about two years of a mission, I'M back and ready to write! First and formost, there is going to be a big re-construction of a shifter's memories, it'll be longer, with more chapters with eric and raiyne, net I will work hard on fallen majesty. Good to be back!


            lol, love you too!


OMG! YOURE BACK! Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou  !!!!@silversinger


@silversinger dude, I don't know if you remember me but I miss talking a d stuff and I know I don't know you well but I kind of slightly miss you a bit... Anyway I hope things are well for you..


@EllioWhat LOL, as lng as youre doing youre best!


i mean, fake it till you make it, yo. That's what Im doing and i haven't failed yet so... Obviously something Im doing is correct lol


            LOL maybe that is the secret to life. Figuring out how to fake it to look like your making it.


That was beautiful, singer... My animals are always the ones I can fall back on after a bad day. So thanks to Tyko, may she always hold a companion's place in your heart, and if you ever decide to find a new dog may the good memories stay with you. When my horse Nick had to be put down I always thought of how I learned from him. He was the patient old man who taught me to ride, and the one who didn't mind following me around the pasture next to my dog. Now when I'm having a bad day with the horses, or my archery, or school, or having a good day in any place on my mount, and his brother Chief, I thank whatever watches over us that I had that awesome of a friend for those years. New memories are made and again there will be bad times..... Friends come and go. But the good ones will always be remembered.
          My best wishes to you as you are reminded of Tyko. That was strong what you did with her; being by her side.... Im sure she appreciated having you. I hope everything is well in the next few days for you


How do you say goodbye to your best friend? I normally don't try to post out my life but I cant hold this in. Today I had to put down my dog tyko, my constant companion and comfort. Today Tyko suddenly and unexpectedly developed hip displaysia that compleatly crippled her, there was nothing the vet could do. After ten years of selfless devotion and perfect love no matter where I was or what I did, all I could do was hold her as she cried out in pain. Even when she was in such pain, my good little dog silmply lay in my arms as I carried her up our mountain. I felt so helpless, there was nothing I could do but hold her as we waited for Dr. Kelsey to end her misery, and cry as she slipped away. Even after I had laid her to rest, I couldn't leave till it was too dark to stay. How could I abondon the one person who had always devoted herself to me, what had I done to derserve such love? To other people, I may seem lonely and friendless, to cry and mourn an animal, something they consider fun but not worthy of the pain I'm in. To them I say, you have never known perfect love, nor witnessed anything quite so innocent and pure till you have known the love of a dog. So here's a tribute, not only to Tyko, but every other dog who has ever shown a person what love really is.