silverstar2419 here is my first story on Ao3, it’s PJO/Marvel betrayal fic. There’s 3 chapters already up, so go read it if you want. 


Y'all ever realize what kind of fan-person you are? For example, I'm 90% sure I'm a parental fangirl. I'm more likely to adopt the characters rather than build a harem. Fan-person categories include but aren't limited to:
          Parental: showing more parental concern/ love rather than conjugal. These types are most likely to adopt nearly if not all of the characters.
          Conjugal: showing more nuptial love/ concern rather than parental. These types are most likely to form a harem. 
          Child: These types are most likely to imagine themselves being adopted by the characters and can be some of the purest of the fan-people species.
          "I just watch the plot"-true: These rare individuals truly watch for the plot. These people are not likely to read fanfiction. They may keep up with the news about the show/movie {series} and may even watch some type of videos (typically not the fan edit kind)
          "I just watch the plot"-false: These people say that phrase, but it isn't all that true. They may secretly read fanfiction/ watch fan edits, but do not do it openly.
          If there are more, please list them below. 
          What kind are you?


We all know those soulmate mark stories where all the marks on one’s body appears on the other’s, right? Can someone tell me why I have not seen a story with the ship talking to each other by writing on their skin?? Like imagine a 6 year old writing “hi soulmate!” On their hand with their parent’s help. Imagine teens writing their number on their arm when they finally get a phone, so happy to finally be able to hear their soulmates voice for the first time. Not to mention being able to meet them way earlier that in their thirties!!! If this has happened can you give me the fic name?? If not let’s write this!