This is a super important announcement, so please read in carefully.
Today at 12 am the epilogue, bonus chapter, and special chapter for Call Out were released. The book has come to an end, and it’s sad to let it go, but I am really happy with the result, and how many people enjoyed reading my work.
Today is also the 26th of January… it’s Moonbin’s birthday. I’m not going to ramble too much here, but if you want to hear my last note, it’s in the link below.
I will not be active for some time. I’m not sure how long, but I will be going some place far away, to clear my thoughts. I’m not sure anyone will read this, but nevertheless I promise I will be back.
I’m just… not sure when.
Just remember that I love you all, and when I do come back, I might be different, inactive, and won’t respond to DM’s as much. But eventually, it will be okay.
Oh, and make sure to look up at the stars tonight.
There’s a full moon.
~ zara