Alright i swear to god that if i either dont update or create a new fanfiction i will.... Ill do something xD
Im either going to have updated one of my band stories or my LOTR story. Probably my LoTR since i want to start on it again.
In short, look tor updates today and tomorrow!
Working on a Lord Of The Rings story! Chapter 1 will be posted tonight mostly likely! Or in the very early hours of tomorrow.
my other stories will be continued (??) if I can remember my idea's for them.
Thank you, and this has been and notification from-
Your Nearby Elf,
well... my fanfic writing is at a complete standstill since I haven't been able to get on. hopefully before I fall asleep, you all will have a new chapter.
I have most of Chapter 2 for my 'New Friends, New Family, New Life' fanfiction, I just need to finish it up, proofread, and post it. I'm just being really lazy and unmotivated. Sorry guys! :(