
I've been gone for a long time, more than a year.  I'm sorry. I'm sure a lot has changed and I don't even know how many people are still active but... I missed writing, I missed the fandom, and I hope you're all doing well. For those wondering if I've abandoned my unfinished stories, the answer is no. I've just had writer's block for the longest time. Recently I started writing again. I don't know exactly when I will finish the stories that are still in progress but I'm going to start with one of them. I'm going to start posting the rewrite of SOF, look forward to it ^.^


@Tae1395 Thanks, I hope you enjoy the rewrite and let me know your thoughts on what I've posted so far <3


@_spearbinz <3 Thanks for your comment, I hope you liked the rewrite. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I've posted so far!


@silvi303 I've missed you so muchhh!! I'm glad you're back and I look forward to SOF!! It was my favorite book


Hi, there! Hoping not to bother you, yet I felt like dropping a quick request to you. 
          I'm currently working on a book namby , "Nightmare",
          If you could spare your moment to check it out, I'd be highly appreciative and if you chose not to, that'd be acceptable too. I merely had a thought in mind. 
          Thank you for your attention to this! Have a pleasant day! :)


I've been gone for a long time, more than a year.  I'm sorry. I'm sure a lot has changed and I don't even know how many people are still active but... I missed writing, I missed the fandom, and I hope you're all doing well. For those wondering if I've abandoned my unfinished stories, the answer is no. I've just had writer's block for the longest time. Recently I started writing again. I don't know exactly when I will finish the stories that are still in progress but I'm going to start with one of them. I'm going to start posting the rewrite of SOF, look forward to it ^.^


@Tae1395 Thanks, I hope you enjoy the rewrite and let me know your thoughts on what I've posted so far <3


@_spearbinz <3 Thanks for your comment, I hope you liked the rewrite. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I've posted so far!


@silvi303 I've missed you so muchhh!! I'm glad you're back and I look forward to SOF!! It was my favorite book


Would y'all hate me if I said I wanted to rewrite SOF?
          Hear me out... I just can't continue it the way it's going, I hate it. I have no motivation to write it from where it's at now. I feel like I messed it up for a while now and I just want to stop and rewrite it before I completely ruin it. When I started the story I hadn't fleshed out the details I wanted but since writing more and more I figured it out. I figured out what I want to do with the story, the directions I want it to take, and what I want the ending to be. But the way it is now... I can't get it to where I want it to go. I know a lot of you like it and I do want to continue it but I just can't wrap my head around what to do at the moment. Maybe if I give it some more time I can figure it out, but I don't know... I'm really sorry guys. Just... let me know what your thoughts are? I want to hear your opinions.


@MsNo_one thank you for the suggestion and your comment as well as the support, I appreciate it ♡


@silvi303 imo it's absolutely okay for you to rewrite it :3 especially when you have a better idea for it and already have it in mind; though (and I don't know what you wanted to do) I would maybe not delete the original/now version so that we can go back to it, at least untill the new version is all up (but again, that's just my opinion and it's your book and you decisions)
            And I think I get what you mean about it, even though of course it would be possible to finish it the way it is, it's been out there for over 3 years so you probably would have still had developed some new ideas that not necessarily fit the existing plot 
            So like, do what you think is best and we'll still be here :33


@unhingedplatypus that's a good idea, thanks for it and your support ♡


author nim did you stop updating sound of disaster and 24 hours???


@silvi303 oh I understand author nim...I hope you'll update soon cause both story lines are great...thankyou for continuing❤


@belifegoeson8 24 hours is on hold, I am not the sole author for either book so it isn't up to me completely. My co-author for 24 hours was going through a lot and until she is ready, we won't continue. As for SOD, the way we are working on that is taking a while since we rp it out and then turn it into a story. I have been very busy so it hasn't been easy to make time to work on it together. 


Author-nim are you gonna update strings of fate 


@silvi303 it’s okay take as much time as you need as long as your healthy and safe that’s all that matters also thank you for your hard work author nim FIGHTTINGG!!!


@jiminpark1324 My motivation to write has become less and less with the passing months. While I truly did want to finish SOF I found myself struggling to write each time I opened the document. I hate making you guys wait but I only have a couple of chapters written since I last posted and I know it will take me much longer to update more. I don't want to post anything until I write enough that I can begin posting something monthly so that I don't keep you guys waiting once I begin to post updates. That being said, if you really want an update I can post what I have, but again this will mean my updates will continue being infrequent.


have you read a book named "tycoon"? 
          it was a jikook fanfic i really cant find it 


@SSH071291 unfortunately no :(


@RutabaIzhar3 did you find the book?


@RutabaIzhar3 hmm, lots of stories like that, but I can't recall reading this. Sorry